Mitigation: sector, data, information, financial and technical services and support (sharing experiences) Vute Wangwacharakul Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University
Preparation (Objectives, Areas, Approaches, Resources) Implementation Finalization Basic Steps
Basic issues in preparation stage Main purposes (contribution to the Convention, consideration of national needs and priorities) Read the Guidelines Literature review (concept, policies, Convention etc.) Decide on –Main objectives, outputs –Areas (sectors) –Approaches –Resources need
Experiences in preparing INC Knew nothing about NCs and Guidelines and political process Guidelines was very general and flexible Experienced with AI-NC and used as examples Learned more during preparation –Capacities building/enhancement –Continued process –Technical/political complexity
Mitigation Study in the Initial NC Benefited from various relevant studies from USCSP, ADB, UNEP etc) Utilized relevant policy documents (e.g. national, sectoral development plans, economic analysis etc) Drew objectives based on national policies on CC and needs and priorities (e.g. win-win policies, sustainable development objectives etc) Built upon earlier studies
Sector –Followed inventory sector, identify technical options –Prioritized sectors to work more comprehensively e.g. energy –Others were more descrip tive Data –Unexpected constraints –Basic data were available, more detailed data were needed for detailed analysis
Information –Problems of access to information, sources of information Financial and technical resources –Benefited from earlier bilateral/multilateral financial support –Implemented under GEF financial support for NC preparation –Benefited from UNDP/NCSP –Technical resources were available locally, mainly drew from universities and non-profit institutes
Implementation and Finalization No new in-dept analysis Prepared the chapter based on various research studies, highlighted climate change related issues, national policies on CC, measures taken etc. Identified research gaps Went through several reviews and integrated into the NC
Chapter 6 Policies and Measures National Sustainable Development Policy Policies and Measures related to Climate Change –International and Regional Cooperation –Mitigation and Adaptation Mitigation (Energy, Forest Sector) Vulnerability and Adaptation
Second NC: Mitigation Section Preparation –How is the Guidelines: Basically the same as the earlier one, although more paragraphs are given (Based on national circumstances, sustainable development priorities etc) –Review recent development (stocktaking) –identify areas of emphasis for further analysis –Integrate the proposal into the proposal for NC
Issues to be considered SARs (Subject to Availability of Resources) Maximum exploitation of national and regional capacities Integrate capacity enhancement into the NC preparation process –Combined effort between sectoral and climate change experts Strengthen regional cooperation in NC preparation Improvement of database
More things to be considered Technical Resources –Make use of past experiences (NAI-NC synthesis) –Various technical guidelines to read, choose most appropriate ones –Using models, should clearly understand the mechanism of the model, conceptual advantages/disadvantages Support –Multilateral Agencies, bilateral cooperation –Aim at local capacity enhancement