The Ute Tribe By Adam Crimin
Table of contents Tribe Traditions What did they eat Where did they live How did they dress Famous People Contributions How big is the tribe Extra Information Quiz for the Audience Bibliography About the Author
Tribe Traditions One tribe tradition is the bear dance. Another is tradition is the sun dance. In the spring, they would go into small family units.
What did they eat? Ute men hunted deer, elk and buffalo. Ute women gathered pine nuts and fruit. The Utes also enjoyed eating grasshoppers and other insects.
Where did they live The Utes lived in forests in Colorado and parts of Utah. They also lived in parts of New Mexico. In those places they lived in teepees. They also lived in wickiups.
How did they dress? All of the Ute women wore long deer skin dresses. Ute men wore breech cloths with leather leggings and buckskin shirts. Some Utes wore buckskin moccasins.
Famous people Chief Ouray Chipeta Ute chiefs
Contributions The bear dance, which is still done today each spring. Their reservation land which covers 4.5 million acres.
Extra information When the Spanish came they gave them horses which they called “magic dogs”. The Ute were polygamous which means the men could have many wives.
Quiz For The Audience What were some of the tribe traditions? Some of the famous people were… When is the bear dance performed?
About the author Where do you live? I live in Clinton, UT. What is your favorite book? It is Diary of A Wimpy Kid. What are your favorite activities? I like playing with Legos and I like reading. What should we know about you? You should know that I love reading How can you help others? I can be nice to others. What is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is reading.