United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Current status of implementation of SNA Implementation of the SNA in the EECCA, SEE and Mongolia Presentation by UNECE Workshop on Implementation of the 2008 SNA Kiev, 29 November - 2 December 2011 Agenda item 5a
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2November 2011 Overview 1. Background 2. Implementation of the SNA in the region Statistical Programs, main producers and users Progress in implementation of the 1993 SNA 3. Annex. Country profiles
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3November 2011 Background Recommendations of the UNSC UNSD coordinates global implementation Role of UN regional commissions -> regional implementation plans UNECE to support implementation in EECCA and SEE region Regional advisory body -Steering Group (SG) on National Accounts UNECE Survey on SNA implementation in the region: In EECCA, SEE countries and Mongolia (19 replies) Survey and discussion of results at NA meeting 2010 Updates to survey outcomes 2011 Country profiles
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4November 2011 Implementation of the SNA in the region - Statistical programs, main producers Statistical programs, plans 14 countries have developed plans for improvement in statistics, including NA Plans cover a period of years National accounts, mostly focused on 1993 SNA Main producers of economic statistics National Statistical Offices Primary institution responsible for SNA Central or National Banks Ministries of Finance Others Mostly as data providers for SNA
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5November 2011 Main users of national accounts data Users’ groups Indicated by countries countper cent 1National government Academic and research sphere Business sphere National or Central bank International organizations Non-profit institutions Media Individuals422.2
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6November 2011 Main users of national accounts – categories by intensity of use Analysis Users with complex data requirements on detailed variables, time series Government departments Local authorities Researchers International organizations General data users with simple data requirements but great range of information Journalists Students, teachers Small businesses National Accounts are used mostly by Analysis Users in the region
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7November 2011 Main users of national accounts – Data most demanded Data groupsData categoriesNumber of countries Per cent GDP and its basic indicators GDP size and growth rates GDP by expenditure categories, in current prices GDP by production, Value added by industries in current prices GDP per capita950.0 GDP by income components, Value added components by industry in current prices527.8 Regional GDP527.8 GDP by production, Value added by industries in constant prices527.8 Total Integrated accounts and tables GNI and other primary aggregates844.4 Supply and use tables422.2 Total Institutional sector accounts Household’s income, expenditure, gross capital formation211.1 Total211.1
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8November 2011 Progress with 1993 SNA Availability of GDP and main components
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9November 2011 Progress with 1993 SNA Availability of main accounts and balance sheets * e - experimental, irregular or not published
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 10November 2011 Summary: Points to consider The 2008 SNA to be implemented while still developing the full system of accounts Global and Regional recommendations (MRDS, etc.) Need to consult main users to decide priorities Need for coordination with other producers of economic statistics in the country
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 11November 2011 Summary: Points to consider Detailed country profiles (in Annex) 16 out of 19 countries reached milestone 2 and higher with 1993 SNA 13 countries reached milestone 4 (Institutional sector accounts) 3 countries – milestone 5 (Financial accounts) What about Quality (exhaustiveness, comparability) ? Refining existing aggregates vs. Putting in place a full system of accounts.