Integrating, Initiating, and Sustaining Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research A Report on the CUR Institute May 25-27, 2011
Howard University Team Mission and Goals Bring Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research to Scale – General Education Curriculum Revision and Integrate Research Component into our Divisional Requirements [core competencies that all Howard students should have] as a gateway to the major requirements and electives Globalization Ethics Quantitative Reasoning African American Cluster
Interdisciplinary UG Research Goals
Lessons Learned Review and Enhance our University Strategic Plan on Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research [Vision, Missions, Goals, Strategies, Actions] – Vision – Mission – Goals – Strategies – Actions
ASSESSMENT: OBJECTIVE/STRATEGY/METHOD OBJECTIVESTRATEGYASSESSMENTSINDICATORUSE OF RESULTS 1.To engage students in interdisciplina ry ways of thinking critically about research. Have students generate research questions by analyzing a problem from more than one disciplinary perspective. infer what researchers from two or more disciplines would need to know to solve a problem. integrate into their projects research approaches from two or more disciplines, etc. Pre and Post Tests Student Power Point presentations Electronic Portfolios Average Lickert score should be higher than 3 [What proportion of students would be able to answer this question?] Score the Power Points using the value rubrics Develop more integrated interdisciplinary courses (e.g. team-taught, common meeting times, cross- section projects, presentations, etc.) 2. 3.
Vision Howard University, a culturally diverse, comprehensive, research intensive and historically Black private university, to establish a pervasive undergraduate research experience in order to provide students with an educational experience of exceptional quality as mandated in the University’s mission statement
Challenges Bringing UG Research Initiatives to Scale – Exposure to Research (e.g. steps in project, soft skills awareness, etc.) – Focus on higher-level UG research (e.g. sequential, scaled structure over multiple years, one-on-one mentoring, etc.) Administrative Buy In – Release Time for Course Development Counter-argument: If you hire an adjunct or graduate student, you’ll save money and actually increase retention as a result of these learning-community oriented courses – Common Time for Shared Courses – Demonstrating how interdisciplinary undergraduate research improves retention (helps the bottom line). Rewards System Integration – Training for Faculty Coordination and Logistics [Smart Rooms, etc.]
Solutions Create a Center for Undergraduate Research to Coordinate with General Education – Coordinate Existing UG Research Programs [e.g. McNair, Center for Pre- professional Research, etc.] and confederation network with other initiatives [e.g. CASHA, et. al.] Conduct Workshops on Helping Students Understand the Research Process Create a Tiered System of Research From Freshman Year – Scholarship Students Converted to Fellows and Paired with Faculty – Track options available only to certain categories of students (e.g. those who will go on to be high school teachers are apprenticed as undergraduate teaching assistants in their subject fields) – Freshman Seminar with Basic Introductions to Research Intensive and Focused Research Should Begin Sophomore Year Build out the Learning Community Model as one that improves retention (cost-effective)
Conduct Workshops on Helping Students Understand the Research Process Help faculty understand how to integrate a component or more of the research project into student learning – E.G. take a data set and have students approach it from their various disciplines [with a guiding theme] and have the students work on communicating information from that data set or common reading from their particular field]
Implementation 3-5 Year Plan [Extending Mellon/COAS IWG Best Practices, Present] – Year One: Clarify University Process for Developing UG Research Establish an Office of Undergraduate Research – Outline duties of the Office of UG Research » Common Calendar » Facilitate and Coordinate Communication Among » Logistical Problems Build on and/or Develop Spring 2012 Classes [CETLA Workshop = kickoff] Survey and Create Compendium of UG Research – Create calendar of UG Research Events (e.g. COAS and SoC UG Research Symposia) – Year Two – Year Three – Year Four – Year Five