PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEED: NSIDC Potential Interactions NSIDC DAAC should prepare an evaluation of their desired future roles in "core activities" and in mission activities in the SEEDS era. This should include options, benefits, and risks of carrying out /not carrying out each option, and resource estimates to support each option in terms of full time equivalents (FTEs).
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS The Bottom Line For the past 12 months NSIDC has been in the midst of reorganization. We are now closing out that activity and stabilizing our management and organizational structure. We have not devoted effort to formulate a response to PoDAG, nor do we believe it would have been time well spent. It should be possible for us to consider PoDAG’s request and present a response at the next meeting, maybe before.
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS Some update information The following slides are from a presentation by Karen Moe at the July Federation meeting. These give a status report from the point of view of the SEEDS Formulation Team at GSFC. My view of where SEEDS is situated is on the next slide.
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS So, what does this all mean for NSIDC DAAC? SEEDS appears to be in limbo, until HQ receives additional material from the Formulation team NSIDC DAAC will monitor status, but does not plan to take an active role The Federation wants to take over some SEEDS development/coordination activities, and NSIDC will support, as appropriate. Note that NSIDC will have 3 new indirect participants in the Federation via the ReaSON CAN awards, in addition to the DAAC ESIP Type I designation. (Armstrong/GLIMS, Stroeve/Scatterometry, Painter/snow cover, via Dozier)
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEEDS Overview SEEDS Objectives 1. Ensure timely delivery of Earth Science information at an affordable cost. 2. Maximize availability and utility of ESE products. 3. Engage community on data management issues, objectives, and solutions. 4. Enable the development of flexible systems to readily accommodate evolving products & services. SEEDS Mission Establish evolution strategy and coordinating activities to assure continued effectiveness of ESE data management systems & services. Sustain & Apply Unifying Framework of Core Standards & Guidelines Format & Interface Standards & Processes Levels of Service Guidelines Data Lifecycle Planning Procedures Metrics Planning & Reporting Guidelines Foster Technology Evolution Provide Cost Estimation Tool * Carry Out IT Prototyping & Infusion Carry Out Software Reuse Initiatives Sustain Community Involvement Conduct Community Workshops Support Four Working Groups * Brief Science Committees & Organizations Support HQ Initiatives to Fund Distributed Providers of Products & Services Utilize SEEDS Paradigm Address Thematic Science Questions for Research, Education and Applications Support REASoN CAN Management * Support ESE Data Systems Evolution Planning Address key ESE data systems goals Coordinate data system evolution with implementing projects * Lead coordination/planning with national & international partners Support Transition to Measurement-Focused Paradigm Sustain and Apply Cost Estimation Tool * SEEDS Coordinating Responsibilities
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEEDS Status Completed Study Recommendations: - Discussed draft recommendations at March 2003 workshop in Annapolis. - We have community buy-in for the recommendations. - Presented overview of recommendations to AA in March. o Received action from AA to develop plan for evolution of ESE data systems. o Working with ESDIS Project Manager to address this action (see slide next page). - Incorporated feedback and published final recommendations July 3, Supported REASoN CAN: - Contributed guidelines and selection criteria. - Supported evaluation, selection, awards process and milestone negotiation. SEEDS planning activities to continue in FY2004: - Determination of the appropriate scope, responsibilities, and resources for SEEDS will be made as part of the ESE data systems planning action. - Support working group participation by REASoN CAN awardees - standards, metrics, technology, reuse. - Develop options and recommend approach and budget for SEEDS coordinating functions.
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEEDS Recommendations Standards: Identifies science data, metadata, and interoperability standards for consideration. Describes process for SEEDS to develop, adopt, and evolve standards and interfaces. Recommends that ESE adopt the standards process/ establish working group Metrics Planning and Reporting: Defines metrics/reporting req’ts for the participants in ESE Data Management Activities Recommends that ESE adopt the proposed metrics & requirements/ establish working group Technology Prototyping & Infusion: Describes process to identify needs & infuse tech investments into ESE provider network Recommends that ESE adopt process, define SEEDS technology vision/establish working group Reuse Assessment: Defines approach for a SEEDS investment in software reuse Recommends that ESE adopt the reuse approach /establish working group
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEEDS Recommendations Levels of Service: Identifies minimum and recommended levels of service for core data sets and services. Recommends that ESE adopt levels of service/ establish working group Cost Estimation & Benchmarking: Describes cost-by-analogy model to estimate cost of ESE data management services. Recommends that ESE adopt model and acquire cost information funded providers Data Lifecycle Planning: Describes approach to safely migrate products from generation thru long term archive Recommends that ESE adopt the approach (need for a working group is TBD)
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEEDS Objectives FederationObjectives Goal: increase quality Goal: increase quality & value of ES products & services Support best practices Support best practices in Earth science research Self-sustainability Self-sustainability SEEDS Federation Overlap Operational prototype approach for Operational prototype approach for Mission Success Community Identify processes for Community Identify processes for Community Involvement, both Mission Critical & Mission Success Communities SEEDS and the Federation: Common Objectives
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS Standards/InterfacesArchitecture/Reuse Technology Infusion Metrics Interoperability/Technology Commercial Development Metrics Federation SEEDS Relationships of Working Groups & Committees
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS Make case for Tech infusion (TRL 7+) Make case for Tech infusion (TRL 7+) Identify near term (0-3 yrs) infusion needs Identify near term (0-3 yrs) infusion needs Fill funding gap Fill funding gap SEEDS Architecture/Reuse SEEDS Standards/Interfaces SEEDS Technology Needs/Infusion Federation Interoperability/ Technology Hold technology Hold technologyworkshops Identify/support Identify/support mechanisms for reuse Test/apply new Test/apply newStandards Leverage existingLeverage existingstandards SEEDS Federation Overlap Share technology across Share technology across Federation members Identify funding sources Identify funding sources Identify processes for standards Identify processes for standards development and evolvement Determine if reuse/reference architecture is cost effective Determine if reuse/reference architecture is cost effective
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEEDS Metrics Federation Metrics Identify metrics Identify metrics collection mechanisms SEEDS Federation Overlap Collect metrics across Federation members Collect metrics across Federation members Deliver metrics summaries to NASA Deliver metrics summaries to NASA Identify appropriate metrics Identify appropriate metrics Common Metrics Activities
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS Backup Slides
PoDAG XXI: SEEDS SEEDS Near-Term Missions Mission Name Phase Anticipated Launch Date Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Formulation2005 NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP)Formulation2005 Ocean Surface Topography Measurement (OSTM)Formulation2005 Ocean Vector WindsFormulation2006 Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)Formulation2007 Solar IrradianceFormulation2007 Carbon Cycle Initiative (CCI)Pre- Formulation Total Column OzonePre- FormulationN/A