Towards a holistic capacity building strategy in EO in the Balkan area: Defining the gap, key findings and future directions. Prof. Petros Patias (Coordinator of OBSERVE project) GEPW5 - London 8-9 February,
Balkans at-a-glance OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period Area : 550,000 km 2 Population : 55 million Balkan countries, except Greece, are not ESA members Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, FYROM, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina are also not members of GEO
OBSERVE at-a-glance OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period AcronymOBSERVE Full Title Strengthening and development of Earth Observation activities for the environment in the Balkan area Funding scheme Coordination Action Theme ENV Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan area Starting DateNovember 1, 2010 Duration24 months Funding1 M€
OBSERVE at-a-glance OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period OBSERVE consortium consists of : 15 institutions from 13 different countries, 8 of which belong to the Balkan region. 10 of which are Universities/Research Institutes 5 are from private sector. Developing synergies with
The OBSERVE project Motivation OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period Our Mission OBSERVE project has the ultimate goal to raise awareness and establish firm links with the regional stakeholders on the importance of a mutual and enhanced EO application network on environmental monitoring. Our Vision OBSERVE project has the vision of establishing a new Balkan EO community of multilevel stakeholders that will make use of state-of- the-art technological developments, products and knowhow from the existing European EO community and industry.
The OBSERVE project Facts – Defining the Gap OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period The need for Coordination Balkan countries, except Greece, are not ESA members. Therefore, space related activities, including Earth Observation and the related programs, are coordinated only at national level. Contribution to GEO Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, FYROM, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina are also not members of the GEO. Coordination and capacity development actions will subsequently lead to internal dynamic processes favoring the participation to the GEO.
The OBSERVE project Mechanisms and Tools – Meeting the current GEOSS Strategic Targets for Capacity building OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period Beneficiaries : Local research Institutions, Decision making bodies, Industries, SMEs Target: Creation of permanent local EO community, open to future synergies Providing access to repositories of information and resources Common reference point through the Producing individual capacity reports (National reports) Identification and categorization of stakeholders (stakeholders database) Production of informative publications Training workshops and networking events Establishing links with relevant regional and international organizations and initiatives
The OBSERVE project Future priorities / Setting the agenda on capacity building OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period Permanent liaisons with Local Institutions ? Consulting to Decision making bodies ? Balkan Centre of EO for Environmental monitoring ? Targeted training activities ? Education programs ? Mobility of researches ? What’s next? Use tools and opportunities Use tools and opportunities
The OBSERVE project Future priorities / Setting the agenda on capacity building OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period
Thank you for your attention OBSERVE project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement for the period