Module II: Developing a Vision and Results Orientation Cheri Hayes Consultant to Nebraska Lifespan Respite Statewide Sustainability Workshop June 23-24, 2015 © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Module II: What Do You Want to Sustain? Goals What do you want to sustain? What do you mean by sustainability? How will you measure progress? Tools: Logic Model Worksheets © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
A Logic Model Helps You to Answer… …”Will the strategies and activities I’m implementing get me to the results I want to achieve?” Graphic representation of your theory of how Lifespan Respite will help improve results for caregivers, their families and communities (theory of change) © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Use a Logic Model to: Clearly define what you want to sustain. A logic model helps you to: Look critically at existing and identify new strategies and activities to sustain; Make decisions regarding what strategies and activities you will sustain at what scale over what timeframe; Make estimates of the amount and type of resources you need to support your work. © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Use a Logic Model to: Identify how you can measure progress A logic model helps you to: Clarify what your desired results are; Consider who else is working toward those results; Identify measures to track how your work is contributing to results. © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Elements of the Logic Model What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Vision and Ultimate Results Interim Results: Conditions and Causes Strategies and Activities Indicators and Performance Measures
Steps for Completing Module II 1. Clarify vision and desired results 2. Identify interim outcomes: conditions and causes 3. Identify and prioritize strategies and activities 4. Define scale and scope 5. Identify measures of progress © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
1. Clarify Vision and Desired Results Vision – Conception of what success would look like Ultimate Results – Long-term goals for family members with disabilities, family caregivers, and the community © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Step 1 Vision and Results are your answer to the question, “How would the children, families, and community that we are trying to benefit be changed if we are successful in our work?” © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license. What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Vision: Nebraska has a well- developed system to support high-quality planned and emergency respite care across the lifespan for all families caring for a loved one at home, regardless of the family member’s disability and/or chronic illness diagnosis, special needs, family circumstances and location within the state. Desired Results: All family caregivers are supported and have easy access to respite resources in their communities, including both information and services that enable them to care for their loved ones at home.
Tips for Completing Step 1 Review/Complete Worksheet 1 Remember that results are ends, not means Only define results that are true priorities Consider whether your results align with existing agendas – e.g., NE state-level Clarifying specific language for vision is difficult for a group – assign task and review © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
2. Identify Interim Outcomes: Conditions and Causes Interim outcomes: Conditions and causes are the factors or circumstances that you need to affect in order to achieve your results. Identify conditions and causes based on: Target population trends and growth Target population perspective Research Experience and best practice © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Step 2 What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Desired Results: All family caregivers are supported and have easy access to respite resources in their communities, including both information and services that enable them to care for their loved ones at home. Conditions and Causes Lack of knowledge about what respite is, the benefits, identifying as a family caregiver and how to access paid and volunteer resources.
Tips for Completing Step 2 Gather and summarize research on conditions and causes before group meeting Use existing data sources for demographic info – AEB eLR reporting; increase in referrals and sources of referrals to Subsidy and defined DHHS programs offering respite; also reporting to eLifespan Respite Data Dashboard. Use interviews, focus groups, group meetings to gather perspectives of key stakeholders A single initiative will not address all conditions and causes – identify broadly and then focus in on those that are most critical © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
3.Identify and Prioritize Strategies and Activities Strategies – Broad practice approaches Activities – The specific services and interventions that you implement. Step 3 involves: Looking critically at current strategies and activities Considering whether there is a need for new strategies and activities Determining which strategies and activities are priorities to sustain © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Step 3 Strategies: Broad practice approaches Activities: The specific services you implement What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Strategies: Update respite care information on the websites every 3 months. Produce web videos and webinars for Respite Network staff, families and other parties involved in respite service delivery for training and educational purposes. Desired Results: All family caregivers are supported and have easy access to respite resources in their communities, including both information and services that enable them to care for their loved ones at home. Conditions and Causes Lack of knowledge about what respite is, the benefits, identifying as a family caregiver and how to access paid and volunteer resources.
Tips for Completing Step 3 Complete Worksheet 3 Analysis Focus analysis at level of strategies/activities or partner agencies/organizations or both, depending on : The size of your initiative Who is involved with planning Available resources – time and information Strategies and activities can be policy and systems-focused approaches as well as information resources and direct services © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
4. Define Scale At what scale do you want to sustain key strategies and activities? Do you want to expand, contract or keep constant: The number of family caregivers you serve The range of services your offer Who will be responsible for this work? (you, you in partnership with others, others) © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Tips for Completing Step 4 Complete Worksheet 4 When defining scale, consider: Need: evidence of demand for information resources and services Capacity: what stage of development is your local Lifespan Respite Network initiative? Funding Status and Climate: does the initiative have the capacity to raise and track funds? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
5. Identify Measures of Progress Indicators – Means of capturing community- wide progress toward desired results Performance Measures – means of capturing the effect that programs, services or activities have on the target population or systems they reach. Measures of effect – changes in family members with disabilities, caregivers, families, community Measures of effort – quantity or quality of work © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Step 5 Indicators and Performance Measures What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Indicators: % increase in the number of family caregivers who have access to respite care resources as shown in reporting of employer engagement activities, other strategies defined in specific work plans Performance Measures Measures of Effort: # of agency/organization websites that update respite care information every three months. Measures of Effect: % increase in the number of families and caregivers matched with respite providers over FY 2015 baseline Strategies: Update respite care information on the websites every 3 months. Produce web videos and webinars for Respite Network staff, families and other parties involved in respite service delivery for training and educational purposes. Desired Results: All family caregivers are supported and have easy access to respite resources in their communities, including both information and services that enable them to care for their loved ones at home. Conditions and Causes Lack of knowledge about what respite is, the benefits, identifying as a family caregiver and how to access paid and volunteer resources.
Tips for Completing Step 5 Be realistic about the amount of data that you can collect and use. Use measures for which existing sources of data exist. If you have many measures, prioritize based on: Data availability Data relevance Data power © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Next Steps Review Nebraska Lifespan Respite state-level logic model Work through worksheets with your local team Identify what information/resources you need Identify what major questions you want to address © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.