Ch 18 Section 3 The Cold War at Home Genuine Fears about American Security: -Soviet domination of Eastern Europe -Communist takeover of China -Communist Party had 80,000 members in the U.S. -Pro-Communist spies stole atomic bomb info and gave it to the Soviets
President Truman “Soft on Communism” Truman’s critics accused him of being “soft on Communism” Truman’s Reaction: March 1947 Set up the Federal Employees Loyalty and Security Program which set up the Loyalty Review Board.
Loyalty Review Board. Its Purpose: to investigate government employees and to dismiss those who were found to be disloyal to the U.S. government The problem: -What is “disloyalty”? It was never clearly defined. -The U.S Attorney-General drew up a list of 91 “subversive” organizations – membership in any of these groups were grounds for suspicion. - Individuals under investigation were not allowed to see the evidence against them OR even to know who accused them in the first place!
Election of 1948
HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee September 1947 – investigation into the movie industry 48 witnesses subpoenaed “The Hollywood Ten” - did not cooperate with HUAC because they believed the hearings were unconstitutional, and they went to jail.
Communist Witch Hunt (a 2 nd “Red Scare”) Blacklist - a list of people condemned for having a Communist background 500 actors, writers, producers, and directors had their careers ruined b/c they could no longer work in films McCarren Act (1950) McCarren Internal Security Bill – unlawful to plan any action that might lead to the establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship in the U.S. Note: Truman vetoed it. (“You can’t punish someone for his opinion!”) BUT Congress overrode his veto and passed it!!
In Sept 1953, HUAC called actress Lucille Ball to answer questions about HER affiliation with communism in 1936
The Alger Hiss Case Alger Hiss was a Harvard-educated government lawyer Worked with FDR on New Deal programs He attended the Yalta Conference! Accused by Whittaker Chambers as a Communist spy Aug 3, 1948 at a HUAC hearing Whittaker Chambers - Former Communist and senior editor of TIME magazine
Richard Nixon pursued the case. HUAC formed a subcommittee to investigate Alger Hiss Richard Nixon - a young, conservative Republican congressman was the chairman of the committee Alger Hiss proclaimed his innocence …said that Chambers forged the documents Convicted at a 2nd trial of perjury (not for espionage – spying - but for lying about passing the documents) In 1990s, the Soviet Union released papers that proved he WAS a spy!!
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg American Communists who were accused and tried for giving away atomic bomb secrets to the Russians!! Denied it - pleaded 5th amendment Said it was because they were Jews and it was about their radical beliefs
“Worse than murder!” Judge Irving Kaufman said this when he sentenced them to death in the electric chair. Executed June st U.S. civilians executed for espionage Later, the same info that came out about Alger Hiss in the 1990s also implicated them!
Klaus Fuchs Also implicated in the Rosenberg case British physicist admitted giving the Russians info about America’s atomic bomb Tried and found guilty BEFORE THE ROSENBERGS May 1950 in Britain Probably gave the Russians an 18 month edge
Senator Joseph McCarthy said Communists were taking over the government Republican Senator from Wisconsin Feb. 9, speech to Republican Women’s Club in Wheeling, West Virginia: “I have here in my hand a list of a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department....” With this famous statement, the doo-doo hit the fan.
McCarthyism The unfair tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without providing evidence
1952 Presidential Election Issue Most Republicans did little to stop McCarthy because it could be a good campaign issue. Republicans: were purging the country of Communism Democrats: were “soft” on Communism because they allowed Communist infiltration into the governme nt
Herblock Political Cartoon The term McCarthyism was first coined by Washington Post political cartoonist Herb Block.
End of McCarthyism In 1954, McCarthy accused the Army of being infiltrated by Communists. Network TV covered the hearings live His bullying of witnesses alienated the public and he lost public support The American public basically saw him as “crazy” on TV. He died 3 years later.
By 1953, 39 states passed laws making it illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of the government - even though this violates constitutional right of free speech.