HW1 Report Xing Wang
HW1-PR1 Question
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HW1-PR2 your program should read an operand, an operator as a single character +-*/, and another operand, separated by spaces. Output the results. For example: – , output – 4 * 5, output 20
HW1-PR2 Test Cases InputOutput * 22 4 / 22 1 plus 22 1 minus 2 1 mul 22 4 div / 0Warning : Divided by 0 is invalid.
HW1-PR3 Exercise 11 on page 86, but with the following modifications: instead of using U.S. currency, write your program for the Euro. Note that Euro coins come in different denominations from U.S. coins; there are 8 that you must account for. Report to the user the individual counts (as in the original problem) and the sum in Euros and cents (instead of dollars and cents). In addition, convert the final value to U.S. dollars using a recent exchange rate (do not worry about rounding the result, for now).
HW1-PR3 Test Cases Cent 1Cent 2Cent 5Cent 10 Cent 20 Cent 50 Euro 1Euro 2Total Euro Total Dollar
HW1-PR4 Signed Integer Max Integer : 2,147,483, Min Integer : -2,147,483,648
The negative integer The absolute value of negative integer is the complementary of the binary representation plus Complementary of Absolute value of -1, Complementary of -1 plus 1
HW1-PR4-Analysis 1 10^10 ( )
HW1-PR4-Analysis 2 10^12, is a negative value as the sign bit is