Continuous Availability
Disaster recovery History 1 With the rapid growth of the Internet through the late 1990s and into the 2000s, organizations of all sizes became further dependent on the continuous availability of their IT systems, with many organizations setting an objective of % availability of critical systems
Galileo (satellite navigation) - Services 1 Continuous availability even if other services are disabled in time of crisis; Government agencies will be main users.
Disk mirroring 1 In data storage, disk mirroring is the replication of logical disk volumes onto separate physical hard disks in real time to ensure continuous availability. It is most commonly used in RAID 1. A mirrored volume is a complete logical representation of separate volume copies.
IBM Information Management System - High Availability Large Databases (HALDBs) 1 IMS V7 introduced HALDBs, an extension of IMS full function databases to provide better availability, better handling of extremely large data volumes, and, with IMS V9, online reorganization to support continuous availability. (Third party tools exclusively provided online reorganization prior to IMS V9.) A HALDB can store in excess of 40 terabytes of data.
Safety engineering - Safety and reliability 1 Some systems can never be made fail safe, as continuous availability is needed
Information Management System - High Availability Large Databases (HALDBs) 1 * IMS V7 introduced HALDBs, an extension of IMS full function databases to provide better availability, better handling of extremely large data volumes, and, with IMS V9, online reorganization to support continuous availability
Network virtualization - Combined internal and external network virtualization 1 [ 2X Software] is unique in its approach of delivering virtual desktop’s and applications from a central location, providing continuous availability, resource-based load balancing and complete end-to-end network transparency for administrators.
IBM DB2 - History 1 A DB2 pureScale system can grow to 128 database servers, and provides continuous availability and automatic load balancing.
Floppy disk - Use in the early 21st century 1 This may not be replaced due to cost or requirement for continuous availability; existing software emulation and virtualization do not solve this problem because no operating system is present or a customized operating system is used that has no drivers for USB devices
Critical Infrastructure Protection - DoD special functions 1 Information Assurance, or IA, is the component of Information Operations that assures DoD's operational readiness by providing for the continuous availability and reliability of information systems and networks
High availability - Scheduled and unscheduled downtime 1 Systems that exhibit truly continuous availability are comparatively rare and higher priced, and most have carefully implemented specialty designs that eliminate any single point of failure and allow online hardware, network, operating system, middleware, and application upgrades, patches, and replacements
Fail-over 1 Systems designers usually provide failover capability in servers, systems or networks requiring continuous availability -- the used term is High Availability -- and a high degree of Reliability engineering|reliability.
Kerberos (protocol) - Drawbacks and Limitations 1 * Single point of failure: It requires continuous availability of a central server. When the Kerberos server is down, no one can log in. This can be mitigated by using multiple Kerberos servers and fallback authentication mechanisms.
IBM SAN Volume Controller - Architecture 1 Finally, spreading an SVC installation across two or more sites (stretched clustering) enables basic disaster protection paired with continuous availability.
IBM Parallel Sysplex - Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex 1 * GDPS/Active-Active: It is a disaster recovery / continuous availability solution, based on two or more sites, separated by unlimited distances, running the same applications and having the same data to provide cross-site workload balancing.
Fannie Mae - The mortgage crisis from late and the continuous availability of mortgage credit under a wide range of economic conditions
AVST - Corporate history 1 In March 2009, AVST shipped CallXpress 8.0 to provide a fault tolerant system through its multi-server architecture. The solution also delivered Neverfail Continuous Availability|continuous availability and disaster recovery deployment options.
Global Mirror 1 Global Mirror can be combined with a wide area network clustering product like IBM Parallel Sysplex#Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex|Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS), HACMP/XD, or IBM TotalStorage Continuous Availability for Windows to provide for automated failover between sites. This combined solution provides lower recovery time objective (RTO), because it allows most applications to automatically resume productive operation in 30–600 seconds.
Axalp Air Show - Air policing 1 Despite the persistent lack of continuous availability of armed fighter jets for the entire year, the Swiss Air Force regularly conducts the air policing
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