Infrastructure areas Middleware – deployment - development Computer resources (incl hardware) Networking
UK Level 2 Grid Assumptions that people only run on Linux built into Globus and much Particle Physics Grid May go away with Java based systems Difficult to get uniform policies for accounts, firewalls. UK Japan experience, very heterogeneous Grid, need to establish CA Robert Allan, Stephen Pickles UK contact Yoshio Tanaka – Japan contact
Lessons from UK Grid Importance of monitoring health of Grid. State of the Grid is displayed on a web site. Need to get firewall policy agreed, opening agreed ranges of ports. Action: send Level 2 Grid test suite to ApGrid and NaReGi Exchange documents and draft policy proposals to Production Grids RG
Middleware Development NaReGi SuperScheduler to be exchanged with UK scheduling developments. Aim is to get a unified approach so that components are interoperable. Japan – NaReGi WP 1 UK – GRIP/EuroGrid broker UK has common currency for resource but details of costing is different at different sites. Grid economics – Markets project in UK Business Grid/ ASP portal Japan.
Development Actions Exchange information and personnel NaReGi WP1 and UK Markets Project and EuroGrid/GRIP. UK Contact Dave Snelling, Jon MacLaren Japan Satoshi Itoh, Kento Aida (TiTech) Invite Japanese colleagues to UK Scheduling Meeting 21/22 October, then visit FLE
Transport Test IP and MPI between Japan and UK, latency aware MPI PACX-MPI and GRID-MPI collaborations. Applications experiments with DEISA partners. Linking in optical networks Tokyo/Chicago/Europe via StarLink 2.4 Gps demo for SC2004 David Henty, Neil Stringfellow – Yutaka Ishikawa, Hiroshi Takemiya (GRID MPI) Satoshi Sekiguchi – Peter Clarke (Networking)
IPv6 Issues months UK and Japan work together at the GGF IPv6 Research Group. Out of this should come some experiments between UK and Japan, using GT2 and/or UPL
Grid VM Japan contact Professor Kohno Univ Electric Communications. What might be the usage of this, sandbox capability, exposing Grid services as OS? Who is the UK contact? Dave Snelling and Satoshi Sekiguchi and Satoshi Matsuoka will monitor this.