Phosphorus Marcela Pryclová Bohumila Vlčková
Discovery ( ) Hamburk Germany alchemist 1669 – Hennig Brandt, preparation from urine
= „light bearing“ crystal structure of phosphorus Kossel shell structure of phosphorus light bearing- svítivý
Occurrence found in inorganic phosphate rocks all living cells- essential element for living organisms never found as a free element in nature inorganic- anorganický
Properties non-metalic phosphorus forms a waxy white solid characteristic smell as garlic high reactivity three forms: white, red, black waxy- voskový
Red hard, low reactivity, insoluble warming white phosphorus, non-poisonous safety matches insoluble- nerozpustný non-poisonous- nejedovatý safety matches- bezpečnostní zápalky
White soft high reactivity self- iqnition phosphorescent disinfestation self- iqnition- samovznítitelný phosphorescent- fosforeskující disinfestation- deratizace
Black (metal) low reactivity insoluble conductive non-poisonous conductive- vodivý
Applications production of fertilizers explosives, fireworks, pesticides, toothpaste, detergents safety matches fertilizers- hnojiva explosives- výbušniny fireworks- ohňostroj
Compounds H 3 PO 4 - phosphoric acid- electrolyt Na 3 PO 4 – cleaning Na 2 HPO 4 – foodstuffs industry (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4, NH 4 H 2 PO 4 – fertilizes NH 4 H 2 PO 4 – fire extinguisher
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