Religion & Its Effects on Daily Life of Somalis Islam: Almost all social norms, attitudes, customs, and gender roles among Somalis derive from Islamic tradition (Abdullahi,2001). Most of Somali people are Muslims (almost 99%) *The five pillars of Islam (The confession of faith-Shahadah, Giving alms- Zakat, Fasting during the month of Ramadan, The Hajj, Prayer 5 times a day) *Praying & Problems in American Schools (Many people are unaware of the religious practices such as praying five times a day which can lead to some problems.)
Dress: Dress among Somalis is diverse Dress: Dress among Somalis is diverse. In formal and public settings, such as work or school, most Somalis wear Western dress. However, traditional dress is generally favored in rural areas and in non-formal settings. Traditional Somali dress is influenced both by the desert climate of Somalia and by Islamic values. Somali Guntiino Hijab
Religion & Its Effects on Daily Life of Somalis Cont. Traditional Greetings (Intersex Relations): Like other Muslims who practice Islam, men don't shake a woman's hand for greeting except if they are spouses. The Somali women don't shake men's hands either. Gender Roles: Somali culture is male-centered. Preferred gender roles are for men to work outside the home and women to care for children. There happened some changes in women roles after the Civil War.