读写任务: 阅读下列短问,然后按照要求写一篇 150 字左右的英文短文。 Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between his language and others’’ language. Bit by bit, he makes the right changes to make his language like other people’s. in the same way, children learn to do all the other things. They learn to talk, run, climb, ride a bicycle by comparing their own behaviors with those of more skilled people,and slowly make the needed changes. But in school teachers never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself,even fewer chances for him to correct himself. They do it all for him. Teachers act as if the student would never correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let the student do it him self. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word means and what the answer is to that problem.
第一步:明确任务 任务一:概括短文的内容要点 任务二:发表自己的看法 树靶子 打靶子 第二步:审读所给材料并整理其思路
论点: let children learn to judge their own work. 论据: 1 )正面论据: a. A children learning to talk doesn't learn…to make his language like other people. b. In the same way, children learn….make the needed changes.
2 )反面论据: But the school teachers never give a child a chance…he becomes dependent on the teacher. 3. 结论: Let the student do it himself. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word means and what the answer is to that problem.
第三步:概括转述所给短文的大意 获取信息 ---- 加工信息 注意:要用自己的语言来表达,不要抄袭阅读 材料中的的句子。 客观的转述作者的观点、论据和结论 可以使用 Some people think,The author says…… 使转述的语气委婉
Some people think that children’s learning mistakes should not be corrected by their teachers. 例一:正话反说 例二:忠实原文 Some people think that children’s learning mistakes should be corrected by their themselves.
概括正面论据: Children learn by comparing their behaviors, including speech, with those of more skilled people/ people with more skills. (They make changes if needed and correct their own mistakes in order to make their behaviors like others’)
概括反面论据: But in school, teachers point out and correct their students’ mistakes too often,making the students dependent on them/which makes the students depend on them.
概括结论: So the author thinks it’s wrong and unnecessary to correct the mistakes made by students. So according to the article,children should learn by correcting their own mistakes and helping each other instead of having their mistakes corrected by their teachers.
第四步:提出自己的观点并加以论证 寻找突破口:作者的论证似乎严密,但实际 上存在着明显的不一致。 儿童说话,跑步,攀爬等与其在学校接受正规 教育缺乏可比性。 前者可以通过观察,模仿和对比来完成;而 后者是在老师的指导下进行的,由于其复杂 性,系统性和间接性,往往需要教师反复指 出学生的错误。
1) 加入承上转折的句子,使文章连贯,自然过 渡,一气呵成: This opinion sounds right but it is hardly practical. 2) 亮出自己的观点: Students’ mistakes should be corrected by their teachers.
3) 拟定第二部分的主题句 In real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English, without teachers’ correction all the way, beginners will repeat their mistakes without realizing it.
4) 论证自己的观点,要包括题目要求中的项 目(采分点): A )以英语学习为例,简述你学习过程中常出现 的语言错误 I, for example, liked to use words (that are) too formal for a student’s composition.
B )你是如何看待自己的语言错误; But I never realized it until my teachers repeatedly replaced them with simple words. C )你的老师是如何对待你的语言错误:
D )你对老师的做法持什么看法,为什么? I think the teachers are right. Now, I can write naturally in simple English. 最后,给出自己的结论,结束全文 So teachers should be encouraged to correct their students’s mistakes as soon as possible.
范文一: Some people think that Children's learning mistakes should be corrected by themselves.Children learn by comparing their behaviors, including their speech, with more skilled people.But in school teachers always point out and correct their students’ mistakes,making the students dependent on them.So children should learn by correcting their own mistakes and helping each other instead of having their mistakes corrected by their teachers. Students Mistakes Should Be Corrected by Their Teachers
This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical. In real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English,without teachers correction all the way, beginners will repeat their mistakes without realizing it.I,for example, liked to use words(that are )too formal for a student’s composition.But I never realized it until my teachers repeatedly replaced them for simple words. Now, I can write naturally in simple English. So teachers should be encouraged to correct their students’ mistakes as soon as possible.
范文二: We Need Teachers’ Help The author says that children’s learning mistakes should not be corrected by their teachers. He takes a child learning to talk as an example. And he believes that children would become dependent on the teacher if they were made to correct their mistakes with the teacher’s help. So children should be allowed to work out their problems all by themselves.
It is definitely not like that. As a matter of fact, without the teacher’s help we cannot make rapid progress. For example, my pronunciation was poor. I used to pronounce the word “work” as “worker”. I was worried about it very much. My teacher give me a lot of drills and I made the right change at last. You see, what it would be like for us to learn English without teachers.
Dear Sir or Madame: I’m glad to be invited to the English summer camp.I’d like to be in the camp from August 15 th to 22 nd,because I want to go to Qingdao to see my aunt during the first half of the summer holiday. I plan to join in two activities— listening to the English lectures and teaching the foreigners Chinese, although all the activities are interesting and instructive,I think. I want to know more information about the culture of England and America by listening to the lectures.And I know more and more foreigners are interested in China and want to know something about China because of the 2008 Olympic Games,so I want to teach the foreigners Chinese. Best wishes. Lisa
1).I’d like to have it in July because I’ll have a course to take in August. 2).All the activities you are planning to have are very meaning/ interesting /good/significant, but I’m afraid I will choose only two of them --- listening to English lectures and teaching foreigners Chinese. 3).As you know, the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in
Beijing. 4).I think more and more foreigners are eager to know more about China and know more about the Chinese language. 5).What’s more,/Besides, I long to know more about British and American cultures through listening to English lectures.
1).I would like to take part in the camp during August 15th to 22 nd so that I could have a wonderful summer holiday. 2).I’m so excited about the activities such as The English corner, singing English songs, performing English dramas, seeing English films, listening to the English speeches and teaching foreigners Chinese. 3).Though all of
the activities are meaningful, I prefer to attend the English speeches and teach foreigners Chinese. 4).From the English speeches I could learn more information about the culture of England and America. 5)As the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, I would like to teach foreigners Chinese so that more and more of them will be interested in China.