Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was born in He was a very famous explorer and found many interesting discoveries.
Fact File Christopher Columbus was a famous explorer. He was born in He died 26 th November Christopher Columbus found America and proved the world was not flat. P.O.B: Genoa, Italy.
Columbus’s early years Christopher Columbus never went to school but he did dream to be a famous sailor and this dream came true. He made the dream at the age of seventeen.
Preparing for the voyage. Christopher Columbus went to the English to get some funding for his voyage. But the English thought he was mad, so he went to the Queen of Spain and she gave him some money to buy a ship and a crew.
Life on board Life on board was very hard. They had to eat biscuits, salted beef and salted fish. There were lots of jobs to do on the ship like scrubbing the decks and putting the sails out.
Columbus voyages Soon after landing at Pallor's in March 1493, Columbus wrote to the King and Queen. He reported that he had claimed money for Spain.
Discoveries Christopher Columbus set sail to India but really he ended up in Florida, America. He called America ‘The New World’ and his journey proved the world was not flat.
CONCLUSIONS We think that Columbus is important because he found America to live in. He also discovered the world was not flat so when were at school we know correct facts.
Christopher Columbus’s Life. By Zak, Alima, Sanom.