Juan Ponce De Leon
Life Born:1460 in Spain He was a messenger He trained him self to be a warrior. Died: 1521 in Cuba
Exploration De Leon explored to claim new area for Spain and for the many riches he could find De Leon explored Cuba and Florida Spain Supported his Journeys He discovered Florida and Borinquen (which is in Puerto Rico) and claimed it for Spain
Map Explored:
Encounters with Native Americans Different Natives started many wars Met with Calusa Indians-an unfriendly tribe In 1521 De Leon landed in Florida and Native Americans who lived there and attacked them, wounding De Leon
Interesting Facts 1514 He was a General 1 st European to step into Florida 1511-He became a governor in Borinquen He sailed with Christopher Columbus in 1493
Credits +Ponce+De+Leon&gbv=2 +Ponce+De+Leon&gbv=2 =10&hl=en&q=spain+flag =10&hl=en&q=spain+flag =10&hl=en&q=Map+Key+of+Juan+Ponce+ =10&hl=en&q=Map+Key+of+Juan+Ponce By: Alexis McCormick & Michaela Matthews