Waypoint 1 England
Christopher Newport was a famous explorer who sailed from England His motivation was to discover riches and to find a western route to Asia A later goal was to colonize Virginia
Waypoint 2 Jamestown, VA
Christopher Newport arrived in what is now Jamestown, VA Poor weather and small ships were his major obstacles for his travel
Waypoint 3 Spain
Christopher Columbus and Juan Ponce de Leon were both famous explorers from Spain Columbus wanted to find a western route to Asia Ponce de Leon wanted to discover riches and conquer new land
Waypoint 4 San Salvador, Bahamas
Christopher Columbus landed in what is now San Salvador, Bahamas; discovering the New World Small ships, weather and disease all made for difficult travel
Waypoint 5 St. Augustine, FL
St. Augustine, Florida Ponce de Leon was the first explorer to land in Florida and claimed the land for Spain Bad weather and poor maps made his travels difficult
Waypoint 6 France
Jacques Cartier was a French explorer. His goal was to colonize the New World
Waypoint 7 Quebec, Canada
Cartier landed in what is now Quebec, Canada He explored the St. Cartier River Valley and gave France claim in North America Poor maps made his trip very difficult