Exploration EQ: How did European exploration affect Native American culture?
Spanish Missions ( ) *Catholic missions (churches) were established on the barrier islands (Cumberland Island, St. Catherine's Island, and the Okefenokee Swamp) * this allowed the Spanish to lay claim to land in Georgia * The Spanish named the northern region "Guale" (pronounced "Wallie") and the southern region "Mocama" * used to teach the natives about God * the missions also served to prepare the settlement for the colonists from Spain
Decline of the Spanish Missions 1. close contact with the Spanish brought many diseases to the natives (smallpox) 2. Juanillo's Rebellion (1597): friar deemed him unfit to be chief (allowed natives to see Spanish weaknesses) 3. last mission was destroyed by a pirate attack in 1684 (other revolts led to lack of growth)
Hernando de Soto ( ) represented Spain Purpose: explore and conquer * first European to explore Georgia * entered Georgia in the Chiefdom of Coosa (located in the northwest corner of the state) * brought guns and diseases (smallpox/influenza) * introduced horses and pigs to the area * captured the natives for slave labor and land scouting * battle with the natives left natives dead and mortally wounded de Soto * de Soto's men weighed his body down with sand bags and placed him in the Mississippi River * native survivors formed modern tribes (Cherokee)
Three main countries: 1. Spain 2. France 3. England (Great Britain)
Why are they exploring? Spanish * God, Glory, and Gold 1. God: wanted to bring Catholic religion to the Natives (convert) 2. Glory: power for their nation and themselves (expand empire) 3. Gold: wealth for personal purposes and for the nation (gain wealth)
Further explorations 1. Spanish * convert the Indians to Catholicism * bring fame to Spain and the Conquistadors * find gold and establish trade lines Explorers included: Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, & Hernando de Soto 2. English * colonialism: setting up permanent colonies * mercantilism: government controls the trade and transfers wealth from the colony to the mother country Explorers included: Sir Francis Drake and John Cabot 3. French * Huguenots: French protestants seeking religious freedom * Florida: tried to settle but Spain drove them out * New Orleans: colonized along the Mississippi River * Indians: set up trade Explorers included: Giovanni Verrazano & Jean Ribault
Christopher Columbus * 1492 * Italian, but represented Spain * "discovered" North America * opened up the land for European exploration
Juan Ponce de Leon * 1513 & 1521 * Represented Spain * explored Florida-looking for the fountain of you
Hernando de Soto * 1540 * Represented Spain * explored the southeast region of North America
Jean Ribault * 1562 * Represented France * Explored North Florida and Georgia * built Charles Fort in the Carolinas * established French presence
Sir Frances Drake * 1586 * represented England * explored Florida * attacked/burned St. Augustine * established English presence
Mercantilism 1. colonies provide raw materials 2. England manufactures the goods 3. England sells the goods back to the colonies *Result=England becomes very RICH