SLEEP INFORMATION Do you get enough? Created by Nicole Muzard, Health educator, April 2012
Important sleep information Biological clock: An internal timing mechanism responsible for various physiological and behavioral responses. Melatonin: Hormone released by the body that brings on sleep. Darkness triggers melatonin. Chronically sleep deprived= frequently not getting enough sleep. Teens need 9-10 hours of sleep a night ****The brain is the first organ affected by the lack of sleep.**** Created by Nicole Muzard, Health educator, April 2012
Why are teens so sleep deprived? During puberty, melatonin is released at a later time. Early school start times Inability to fall asleep until late at night Homework Sports Jobs Social life After school activities Created by Nicole Muzard, Health educator, April 2012
NonREM sleep- 4 stages Stage 1- The lightest stage of sleep. The sleeper moves between conscious and unconsciousness. Stage 2- Light sleep. About 50 percent of sleep is Stage 2 sleep. *Heart rate slows, and body temperature drops. Created by Nicole Muzard, Health educator, April 2012 LIGHT SLEEP
NonREM sleep- 4 stages Stage 3 and 4- This stage is essential for generating energy for the next day. Tissue repair occurs in this stage and the body releases growth hormones. *The NonRem sleep lasts minutes, each stage lasting anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Created by Nicole Muzard, Health educator, April 2012 DEEP SLEEP
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep- AKA Dream sleep Heart rate and breathing increase and become erratic. Brain is extremely active and muscles are paralyzed. Dreaming takes place. Short-term info is transferred to long-term memory. Non-important info is deleted from brain. The first period of REM typically lasts 10 minutes, with each recurring REM stage lengthening, and the final one lasting an hour. Created by Nicole Muzard, Health educator, April 2012 REM SLEEP
Created by Nicole Muzard, Health educator, April 2012