Now is the time to get prepared for life after high school!
Transcripts College applications College planning and visits Scholarships Financial Aid Portfolios
The very first thing you want to do is make sure that your transcript is ACCURATE. Next you will need to register on the website. (see packet) Once you have done these two steps you simply need to request where you want to send your transcript and double check with your counselor to make sure they have received an about it.
Narrow your decision down to the schools you are most interested in but do NOT eliminate colleges based on assumptions. Once you have your choices, fill out the application (usually online). Make sure to fill out every part of the application. Give the guidance counselor form to your counselor if the school requires it. (This can be printed off and brought in to your counselor). Applications should be in NO LATER than November 1 st for students hoping to get scholarships from the college or university based on merit. Applications can still be turned in at a later date for those who are still making decisions.
If you have not visited the school that you are planning on spending the next 4-5 years of your life and close to $100,000 at, you need to Visit it NOW! Be looking ahead to what you will need and what your school requires both academically and socially. College Nights (Look at the dates and attend one if you want to check out a lot of schools at once). What else can you do to prepare yourself?
Free money is a good thing! However, it does take some work to get it. Register on websites (DO NOT EVER pay to get scholarship money or information). Local vs. National vs. School specific Fill out forms perfectly. Double check, proofread and submit on time. Letters of recommendation and essays must be done well. Again give time and effort to these. Treat this as a part time job and set aside specific hours in your week for it.
Most students will need some sort of financial aid to pay for school. Starts with the FAFSA form which you will fill out online and submit AFTER January 1 st. (You will need help from your parents with this). This is FREE. DO NOT PAY to apply. Scholarships/Grants/Loans Need based/Merit based/other factors. Federal Aid vs. State Aid vs. school specific. Meeting on November 17 th at 6:30 in the HS cafeteria.
It is a good idea to sit down and put together a record of what you have done over the past four years in high school. List accomplishments, volunteer experience, extra curricular activities, organizations you have been a part of, jobs you have held etc. Anything that can help you sell yourself should be included. Use this for essays and scholarship information.
Make sure you monitor your facebook, twitter, instagram and other accounts. DO NOT POST without thinking first about how this may impact you later. Schools and scholarship committees will look at your information. Create a professional account. Post positive things about yourself and the things you have done.
Use the information in your folder + your counselor to get prepared for this. Dedicate time to it. Don’t wait until the last minute. ASK QUESTIONS Go to to find many of your answers. If you still can’t find them then see your counselor. Have fun with it. It can be a lot of work but there is still time to enjoy it as well.