Why Should Higher Education Care About CCSS and Assessment? 1. Students will come to us with different experiences than before. 2. Students will come to our admissions offices with different materials. 3. Teacher Ed programs and professional development will need to change. 4. We want to impact the definition of "college ready." 5. We want to impact the content of 12th grade curriculum. 6. We need to revise our remediation programs and levels.
What Do We Need To Do To Get Ready? 1. Find your higher ed "lead" and empower that person to lead the project. 2. Get the provosts involved and providing campus leadership. 3. Sponsor a statewide P-20 gathering focused on math and language arts. 4. Meet with the Commissioner of Education and get a person on the K-12 team 5. Create an ongoing P-20 work group with strong faculty leadership. 6. Find, review, and sign off on your plan for higher ed. 7. Keep it simple and within the boundaries of the K-12/higher ed interface. 8. Build a conceptual map of the CCSS landscape in your state.