1st QALLL Conference. VN NN. Bled March 24 th st QALLL CONFERENCE on Quality Assurance in Lifelong Learning focussing on Vocational Education & Training and Adult Education VN NN Bled, March 23rd/24 th 2011
1st QALLL Conference. VN NN. Bled March 24 th Quality assurance management systems and practices have been developed to a certain extent to general education, VET and higher education. In adult education, due to the diversity of actors, there is a need for more systematic approach to quality management and quality assurance. Objectives of the project are: To contribute to the process of continuous quality improvement. To raise awareness of the importance of quality and evaluation in adult education To provide the necessary skills and competences to adult education staff, so as to ensure the quality of the training process, the quality of the training outcomes as well as continuous improvement, To address the particular needs of adult education. Background and Objectives
1st QALLL Conference. VN NN. Bled March 24 th Training curriculum Training material On-line training platform Training of trainers course Three pilot training courses Two full 5 days training courses, with transnational participants which received funding from Grundtvig in-service training grant. Outcomes of the project
1st QALLL Conference. VN NN. Bled March 24 th Need for Practical tools Good practices Training oriented to learning by doing Added value to the transnational character of the training course Capitalisation of experiences and developments in the field of VET, exchange of good practices Lessons learnt
1st QALLL Conference. VN NN. Bled March 24 th At conceptual level Follow the rapid developments at European education and training related to EQAVET, EQF, ECVET At methodological level Exploit opportunities offered by business quality standards (ISO 9001, EFQM) that are well established, tested and accepted. Provide methods and tools general enough to fit wide diversity of adult education institutes Challenges
1st QALLL Conference. VN NN. Bled March 24 th Thank you for your attention Panagiotis Kenterlis