READING Focus- getting the meaning out of reading Moving from learning to read…to reading to learn Whole Group Guided Reading Literature Circles Written responses, emphasis on using details from the text Read Aloud-thinking as I read and modeling good comprehension Independent Reading; Research Home Reading WEB (counted for monthly Reading grade)
WHY INDEPENDENT READING? Research shows: Wider, more varied vocabulary Positive attitude towards reading Broader base of background knowledge Students enjoy the quiet and no pressure situation
READ TO ACHIEVE House Bill 950 Part of the Excellent Public Schools Act Facilitating Early Grade Reading Proficiency Good Cause Exemptions Score a 439 or higher (BOG or EOG) IEP-2 year delay Pass Read to Achieve test TRC-Level P by end of year
MATH Focus- understanding the process behind the problem-not just getting correct answer Homework will always be a review of daily lesson SAW – Show All Work! (this helps me understand their thinking and correct when necessary)
MATH TOPICS Operations and Algebraic Thinking Addition; subtraction Number and Operations Understand place value and properties Number Operations Understand fractions as numbers; number lines Measurement and Data Time, elapsed time; liquid & mass; metric Understand concepts of area and perimeter, relate to multiplication and addition Geometry 2-dimensional shapes and their attributes
WRITING Writing Process- brainstorming, sloppy copy, editing, peer editing, teacher editing, and final copy Punctuation, spelling, grammar- daily Caught Ya! Writing in different genres: narrative, persuasive, expository Writing for different audiences Rubrics help students to check their own work for: Focus, organization, voice, conventions
HOMEWORK WWEB reading: 2 hours over 5 nights; checked on Mondays, collected at end of month SSpelling Contract/ Wordly Wise-alternate weeks MMath RReading Skills PProjects and Reports