Introduction to Fathom™
Setting up a Collection Start Fathom™. Drag the Case Table Icon to the work area.
Naming an Attribute Double-click on. Type the name “Team”. Press Enter. Notice that a Collection has now been created.
Adding More Attributes Continue adding attributes until you have them all.
Adding the Data Enter the first team “Blades” under the Team attribute. Press Enter. Continue adding teams. Continue adding all other data.
Naming the Collection Double-click on Collection 1. Type the new name “HockeyStats”. Press Enter.
Create a Blank Graph Click and drag the graph icon to the work area.
Choosing the Horizontal Axis Click on the Team attribute and drag it to the horizontal axis.
Choosing the Vertical Axis Click on the Points attribute and drag it to the vertical axis.
About Sorting You can sort data according to orders of priority. The first sort attribute is the primary sort. Within the primary, you can specify a secondary sort. This can be continued for all attributes.
Primary Sort Click on the Points attribute. From the Data menu, select Sort Descending.
Secondary and Higher Sorts Click on the Wins attribute. Select Sort Descending from the Data menu. Click on the Losses attribute. Select Sort Ascending from the Data menu. Check your final Case Table to verify the sorts: see next slide =>
Final Sort
About Filtering Data can be filtered to exclude unwanted entries. For example, in the next slide we will filter out any teams with points 16 or over. =>
Points Filter Click on the Data menu and select Add Filter. Click on the plus sign beside Attributes. Double-click on the Points attribute. Click “<16” and the Apply button. Your final screen will look like =>
Filtered by Points Notice that the Filter condition is listed at the bottom of the table.
About Hiding Attributes You can hide various attributes to make a custom table without actually deleting any data. Click on the HockeyStats collection box and then drag a Case Table to the work area. Notice that the new table does not include the filter as shown on the next slide. =>
Two Case Tables
Hiding Attributes Click on the Wins attribute. From the Display menu, select Hide Attribute. Do the same for Losses, Ties, Points, and Sample.
Sort by GF Right-click on the GF attribute and select Sort Descending. Your final screen will look like this:
Web Connection For more examples, data, and information on how to use Fathom™, visit: