German Trip th July 2012
Aims of trip Brings the learning of a language to life A greater understanding of the culture Independence and responsibility Chance to speak German in an authentic environment
Staffing Mrs Walker Mrs Parker Mrs Elliot Mr Dudley
Accommodation per room all rooms en-suite (shower and WC) all meals provided (packed lunches for days out)
Provisional Itinerary FRIDAY 13 JULY 0600Coach arrives school 0630Coach departs Comfort stop en route 1300Arrive Dover 1355Depart Dover by P&O Ferries 2000 ETA Traben Evening meal ry
SATURDAY 14 JULY River Cruise Visit to castle SUNDAY 15 JULY Excursion to Cochem Swimming MONDAY 16 JULY Excursion to Cologne and chocolate factory + Bowling one evening ALL EXCURSIONS INCLUDED IN PRICE
TUESDAY 17 JULY 0730Depart accommodation 1300ETA Calais 1400Depart Calais 1430ETA Dover 2100ETA Allerton Grange All times are local
Safety on trip Regular checkpoints with allocated staff Free time – students in groups of no less than 3 Staff member at agreed checkpoint at all times Punctuality at meeting points and times
Next steps Remaining payments EVH2 Form Valid Passport EHIC Card Another parents evening will be held a few weeks before trip.
Any Questions?