Major findings on implementation of the SSA-RTE programme in Karnataka i. MI : Regional Institute of Education, Mysore ii.Period of the report : Second Half of iii.Districts Month and date of Visit No of Schools visited in each district (Primary / Upper Primary + KGBV): LPSUPS + KGBVTotal 1 Chitradurga June 2014 to August, Koppala Ballari Haveri
1. Availability of Food grains : a.Achievements: i.Majority of the schools receive food grains regularly. b. Actionable Points: i. All food grains sacs do not carry FAQ seals. 2. Timely release of funds: a.Achievements: i. All schools get funds timely. i. 2
3 Availability of Cooking Cost a.Achievements: i. Cooking cost is paid through e transfer. b. Actionable Points: i.Cooking cost is not received in advance in all districts (except Koppala). 4.Availability of cook cum helpers a.Achievements: i.Cook cum helpers are available in all schools. b. Actionable Points: i.Remuneration is not paid regularly in all schools. ii.Training of cooks is not provided in all schools. iii.There are no training modules available in schools for cooks. 3
5. Regularity in serving the meal a.Achievements: i.Large majority of schools are serving hot cooked meal regularly. b. Actionable Points: i.There was interruption of serving MDM in Chitradurga, Ballari and Haveri. 6. Quality and Quantity of Meal a.Achievements: i. All children are happy with quality and quantity of meal served. b. Actionable Points: i. Double fortified salt is to be used in Koppala too. 10 schools have not used. 4
7.Variety of Menu 8.Achievements: i. Majority of schools use common menu. b. Actionable Points: i.Majority of schools do not display weekly menu for community observation. 8. Display of information under RTE… a.Achievements: i All schools notify the quantity and date of food grains received apart from balance quantity. b.Actionable Points: i. All schools need to notify the number of children who avail MDM and daily menu too. 5
9. Trends in extent of variation a.Achievements: i. There is no variation noticed between head count and MDM register. 10. Social Equity: a.Achievements: i. There is no discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, or the community among children. 6
11. Convergence with other schemes a.Achievements: i. All schools have health cards of each student. ii.Schools have given micro-nutrients and de-worming tablets to children. iii.Majority of schools have drinking water facility. b. Actionable Points: i.All schools need to have medical kits. ii.Height and weight, dental and eye check up also need to be included under medical check up in all schools. 7
8 12. Kitchen cum store. a.Achievements: i. Majority of schools have kitchen cum store rooms, which are also hygienic. ii.LPG is used in all kitchens. iii.Majority of the schools have potable water for cooking. b. Actionable Points: i.MDM was interrupted due to non availability of LPG in Bellary (1 school) and Haveri ( 2 schools).
Kitchen Devices a.Achievements: i.Majority of the schools have cooking utensils. ii.Majority of schools also have eating plates. b. Actionable Points: i.Cooking utensils are not adequately available in 12 schools in Chitradurga, 4 schools in Bellary, 3 schools in Haveri.
Availabilityof storage bins a.Achievements: i.Only Koppala has food grains storage bins in 37 schools (but they are not satisfactory in 28 schools.) b. Actionable Points: i. Storage bins are either not available or if they are, they are not satisfactory in majority of the schools.
Toilets in Schools a.Achievements: i.Majority of the schools have separate toilets for boys and girls. b. Actionable Points: i.Six schools in Koppala do not have separate toilets for boys and girls. ii.20 schools of Haveri are not in usable condition.
Availability of Potable Water a.Achievements: i.Majority of the schools have potable water for cooking and drinking Fire Extinguisher a. Achievements i.All schools in Koppala and Haveri have fire extinguishers. While, 28 schols of Chitradurga nad 32schools of Ballari have. b. Actionable Points: i.10 schools of Chitradurga and 6 schools of Ballari do not have fire extinguishers.
IT Infrastructure a.Actionable Point: i.This is a weak area in all schools Safety and Hygiene a.Achievements i.General impression of the safety is not bad in majority of the schools. ii.In majority of schools children are encouraged to wash hands before and after food, and also conserve water. iii.Children take food in orderly manner.
Community Participation b. Actionable Points: i.Majority of schools do not maintain roaster registers of community members to supervise MDM activities. ii.Majority of schools do not have social audit mechanism. iii.The extent of participation in supervision, monitoring, and participation by parents, SDMCs, VEC, Panchayat and Urban bodies is not satisfactory.
Inspection and Supervision a.Achievements: i. Inspection registers are available in all schools in Chitradurga and Koppala. ii. All schools in Chitradurga and 37 schools of Haveri have received MME funds. b. Actionable Points: 1.Inspection registers are not available in 22 schools in Ballari and in none of the schools in Haveri. 2.None of the schools has received MME funds in Koppala and Ballari. 3.Inspection of MDM activities by state is almost nil, while by district officers is poor.
Impact a.Achievements: i. MDM has contributed for the general well being, Nutritional status, Enrollment and Attendance in all schools. ii.MDM has been able to develop social harmony, Cooperative spirit, caring, living together in all schools. iii.Toll free number is available in all schools of Ballari Grievance Redreassal Mechanism: a.Achievements i. All schools in Koppala and Ballari have Grievance Redreassal Mechanism in place. a.Actionable Points: i.20schools in Chitradurga and 10 schools in Haveri do not have Grievance Redreassal Mechanism. ii.Majority of the schools in Chitradurga, Haveri and Koppala do not have toll free numbers.
Presented By 1.Nodal officer and Designation: Prof. C. G. Venkatesha Murthy 2.MI Address: Regional Institute of Education, Mysore 3.Mobile /office No: id: Note: MI report is sent to SPD,SSA of concerned State and UT and also sent to MHRD, GOI, New Delhi and report is available at MHRD website and report (soft copy and hard copy) is also available with Shri. K.Girija Shankar, Senior Consultant (Monitoring) SSA, Technical Support Group, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, EdCIL (India) Limited, Vijaya Building, 5 th Floor, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – , Mobile No , Ext 151,150,149, – ID 17