College Planning Night Class of 2016 Planning For the Future Mrs. Trinka Tate College & Career Counselor
Ready Core Curriculum Requirements English 4 units Mathematics 4 units Science 3 units Social Studies 3 units Wellness 1 unit Phys. Ed. 0.5 unit Pers. Finance 0.5 unit ELECTIVES 3 UNITS Foreign Lang. 2 units Fine Arts 1 unit Total 22 units HELPFUL INFORMATION WEBSITES Graduation Checklist/Transcripts SCS Student Guide to Secondary Education /ci/files/2013/13- 14StudentGuideFINAL.pdf /ci/files/2013/13- 14StudentGuideFINAL.pdf Tennessee Department of Education Career and Technical Education ion ion Graduation Requirements
Senior Student Working Committees Activities Committee Senior Student Advisory Committee Committee Requirements 2.75 GPA or Higher No In School Suspension or Out of School Suspensions No more than six (6) or more tardies. Destination Graduation Senior Dues: $295 Cap and Gown and Senior Activities $80 – Cap and Gown Only Senior Pictures Holland Studios (Last Date: Friday, October 16, 2015) Prom Tickets Sold Separately Destination Graduation 2016
What are your goals? Think about what you want to do after you graduate. Prepare and Plan Ahead – Do Not Procrastinate The courses you take in high school, your grades/G.P.A., and test scores (ACT and/or SAT) all play a part in determining if you will be admitted to college Start NOW!! Start researching college admission criteria and visiting colleges you are interested in, take the ACT, SAT, and/or the military entrance exam (ASVAB). Getting Started
You will be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY Adhere to all DEADLINES! Apply to Colleges of your Choice TN Promise (Free Tuition) Hope Scholarship New NCAA Division I Rules for the class of 2016 Take ACT or SAT (the higher the ACT or SAT score the more scholarship money you qualify for (Next ACT is June 13 th – Deadline: May 8 th ). Complete FAFSA on Jan. 1, 2016 (Federal Application for Financial Aid) online at Apply as soon as possible before money runs out. Aid is based on first-come, first-served basis. What to Expect Your Senior Year
Research Scholarships Check my website at ml on a regular basis. Here you will find very important information such as monthly senior newsletters, upcoming events, scholarships, financial aid, and more ml Follow on Attend workshops here at the school and locally Attend College and Career Fairs Senior Year