Epizootiology: definition, structure
Epizootiology position in medicine 1.5 Relations with other sciences
2.0 Animal population – characteristics of epizootiological importance 3.0 Animal population resistance
4.0 Animal population salubrity-morbidity and viability- mortality 5.1 Animal population health process
5.1 Indicators of animal population salubrity 5.4 Indicators of animal population viability
6.1 Indicators of animal population morbidity Indicators of animal population mortality
7.0 Epizootiological structure of animal population
8.1 Etiological agens of animal diseases Characteristics of biological etiological agens
9.1 Sources of etiological agents of transmissible diseases 10.1 Transmission of etiological agens of animal diseases
11.1 Natural environmental factors 12. Interaction animal-etiological agent-environment
13. Epizootic process Anti-epizootic measures: detaining, reducing, eliminating and eradicating
Epizootic process grades 12. Infection process forms
Stages of epizootic process dynamics Territorial structure of animal disease natural focus
14. Foci of animal diseases 14.7 Natural nidality
15. Diseases common to man and animals 16. Economic and social factors influencing epizootic process
17. Consequences of animal population health and disease 18.1 Investigations of the epizootiological situation
Differences between epizootiological and individual investigations Specificity and sensitivity of diagnostic methods True and false results
19. Information system on epizootiological situation 20. Analysis of epizootiological situation
23. Epizootiological strategy and measures 24. Animal population health creation
25. General measures for the protection of health of animal population 26. Animal population specific health protection
Epizootiological criteria for animal moving/contacts and for black-and-white production system
27. Epizootiological protection of country territory 28. Animal population general health recovery
29. Animal population specific health recovery 30. Measures against diseases common to animals and man
Influences on the intensity, localization and timing of epizootiological measures
31. Epizootiological sanitation 32. Planning of epizootiological measures
33. Epizootiological organization 34. Results and efficiency of epizootiological measures