Dr. Ye Yang Assciate Professor, Deputy Director Lab for Internet Software Technology (iTechs) Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) Current research areas: – Software estimation and measurement – Value-based Testing – Requirement management PhD Dissertation: – Composable Risk-Driven Processes for Developing Software Systems from COTS Products A Spiral-based lightweight process methodology consisting of – A Process Decision Framework (PDF) – 3 primary Composable Process Elements (CPEs) – A heuristic COCOTS Risk Analyzer (CRA), and – Risk-based prioritization strategy
Overview of ISCAS ISCAS, funded in 1985, is China’s national research institute focused on fundamental and applied research in both computer sciences and software technology. Total employee: 800+; Graduate students: 600+ Director: Prof. Mingshu Li (Since 2002)
Being an all-time thought leader, Dr. Boehm has started collaboration with Chinese research institutes since – Exchange student/scholar – Established USC/ISCAS joint research lab in 2005 – Co-sponsored Software Process Workshop 2005 and 2006, now the International Conference on System and Software Process – Two joint projects between USC and ISCAS between Before attending USC, I got my master degree from ISCAS in And I returned ISCAS to work in the joint lab after graduated. Some reasons are the familiar colleagues, highly matched research areas, and most importantly, still being able to be around Dr. Boehm and CSSE family. 2005: USC guys visits ISCAS 2006: USC/ISCAS Joint Lab Open Ceremony
Big family events 1st Joint WS, nd Joint WS, 2009
iTechs Now Faculty – Professor: 4; Assoc. Professor : 4; Assist. Professor: 7 – Graduate students: 50+ Average 30+ international conference & journal papers annually – ESEM 2008: 4; ESEM 2009: 3 – ICSE 2010: 2 (1 Best paper award) Average 10+ students graduated annually Professional society involvement – In 2008, join ISERN; Many thanks to Dr. Boehm’s support! – In 2010, join the LAI EdNet; Many thinks to Dr. Ricardo Valerdi’s support! – the first Chinese member organization for both communities. Other collaborations – Umass, NICTA, MIT, U. West Virginia, NAIST (Japan), U. Queensland (Australia), etc.
Be insatiable in learning and tireless in teaching. - Confucius 学而不厌,诲人不倦 。 - 孔子 Dr. Boehm Qianqian, my little girl. A June Morning in Beijing