QBone: Building a Testbed for IP Differentiated Services (Update) UCAID Member Meeting 28 April 1999 Washington D.C. Phil Emer
Summary Applications are drivers Qbone has an initial set of membership for focus –guidelines for expanding the membership while maintaining a hands-on focus Qbone network service –can’t do overlay (well not really) –edge-to-edge focus (campus service independent) Credit where it’s due –Ben Teitelbaum, Internet2, Fearless leader –Susan Hares, Merit, Bandwidth Broker (BB) –Matt Zekauskas, I2, Measurements –Rudiger Geib, DT, ALL
Existing stalemate: QBone initiative seeks to turn the arrows around and create positive feedback: Apps QoS Enables Motivate Apps QoS Inhibited Prevented Apps Networking Circularity
The Internet2 QBone Initiative Build interdomain testbed infrastructure –Experiment and improve understanding –Incrementally improve testbed Support intradomain & interdomain deployment Lead and follow IETF standards work –Some parts of DiffServ architecture cooked; others far from it –Our experience will inform standards process Openness of R&E community gives us an edge Users will tolerate the flakiness of an experimental infrastructure Engineers will share experience and measurement data QBone as “infrastructure that only a graduate student could love”
QBone Architecture (10km view) Subset of IETF DiffServ Architecture –Jacobson's VLL "Premium" Service Zero drops Very low jitter –SLA “musts” EF PHB supported at every hop (so no overlays) Policing of behavior aggregates (BA’s) to specified peak rate Out-of-profile packets are dropped –“Should”s Shaping BA on egress Conditioning by ingress/egress pairs Plus, Value-Adds –Integrated measurement infrastructure –Common operational practices –Pre-standards inter-BB signaling
... Initial QBone Participants and Connectivity * * Actual connectivity and participant group will vary as deployment progresses Other NGIXs ESNet NREN Abilene UMass UMN vBNS MAGPINYSERNetTexas GPPSCNCNI CA*Net2 APANSingAREN SURFNet Merit UMich UPenn CMU TAMUDukeNCSU UNC CTIT IU EVL iCAIR NWU UBC ARDNOC NTU NUS LBNL Ames ANL KDD Labs Korea 11 February, 1999 RISQ CRCUNB MREN / STAR TAP Other DOE Labs Other NASA Labs
A QBone Demo Testing Premium Service RT Stereo Video Source RT Stereo Video Conferencing ATM DiffServ Router Ethernet Switch Policy Server Nano- Manipulator Client LDAP Server LDAP COPS DiffServ Router Video Conferencing Nano- Manipulator Highway 1 Washington D.C NC State Raleigh MCNC, RTP UNC, Chapel Hill Controlled Contending Best Effort Traffic Marking Policing Shaping Marking Policing Shaping Policing Shaping Marking o Premium service contends with Best Effort traffic o Limited resources require limited granting of Premium service to high-performance applications Ethernet Switch DiffServ Router