Section 1 and 2.  Define aerobic activity?  How do they benefit the body?  What is the circulatory system?  What is the respiratory system?  What.


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Presentation transcript:

Section 1 and 2

 Define aerobic activity?  How do they benefit the body?  What is the circulatory system?  What is the respiratory system?  What are problems or diseases that can develop?  What can I do to prevent problems?  What is blood pressure?

 Continuous activity that requires large amounts of oxygen  “With Oxygen”  Strengthen your heart  Strengthen your lungs  More efficient using oxygen

 Consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels  Hemoglobin-an iron rich compound in blood that helps carries oxygen  Stroke Volume- amount of blood pumped per beat

 Arteries, capillaries, and veins  Arteries-carry blood from the heart to body  Capillaries-deliver oxygen and nutrients to individual cells  Veins-deliver blood back to the heart

 Body system the exchanges gases between body and environment  Lungs  Diaphragm-the muscle between chest cavity and abdomen that helps lungs work

 Increases stroke volume  Lowers resting heart rate=more efficient  Muscles more efficient  Builds on itself=more you condition, the more strenuous activity you are able to do

 Cardiorespiratory Endurance-the ability for the body to work continuously for long periods of time  Lower risks of diabetes, CVD, and obesity  Increased energy  Less stress  Look and feel better

 Diseases that are a result of certain lifestyle choices  Inactivity  Being overweight  Smoking or other forms of tobacco  Eating foods high in fat and cholesterol

 Any medical disorder that affects the heart or blood vessels  Leading cause of death in US  Atherosclerosis- condition in which fatty deposits called plaque build up in arteries, restricting blood flow

 Heart Attack- blockage of blood vessel  Sudden Cardiac Arrest-during game or practice  Stroke-blood flow to brain is blocked  Peripheral Vascular Disease- legs, arms What happens during a Heart Attack

 Lung Cancer-more than half smoking related  Emphysema-disease in which airways of the lungs lose their normal elasticity making them less efficient in helping to move air Emphysema Man – True Story tch?v=VUecUEkECrA

 Physical Activity  Avoid Tobacco  Maintain Healthy Weight  Eating Right  Having Regular Check-Ups

 Force of blood in the main arteries  Systolic-when heart muscle contract (top number)  Diastolic-when heart muscles relax (bottom number)  Ex: 120/80

 High Blood Pressure  “Silent Killer”  Main risk factor in heart attack, stroke, and heart failure om/watch?v=tTKnNp7b w8Y

 What is aerobic activity? Examples?  How can they benefit the body?  What is the circulatory system? Parts?  What is the respiratory system? Parts?  What are diseases associated with each system?  How can we prevent these diseases?  What is blood pressure? Systolic and Diastolic?

 Rainey, D. and Murray, T. “Foundations of Personal Fitness.” McGraw-Hill Companies. Glencoe. Woodlands, CA. 2005