NHCS ACES NHCS ACES NHCS Advisory Council for Exceptional Students NHCS Board of Education Work Session December 16, 2014 ACES
ACES Parent Forum ACES Inaugural forum held November 17, 2014 at UNCW Watson School of Education Objective to gain broad citizen input on special education services in NHCS 92 Attendees signed in; Attendees included parents, UNCW faculty, community agency representatives, NHCS staff, ACES members; Data indicates relatively diverse representation Topics: IEP Process, Communication, Advocacy and Awareness, Supporting Struggling Learners in General Education, and Transition Feedback on forum was positive with some participant suggestions
3 Trends ACES 1.Lack of Awareness IEP Process, Resources, Programs & Services, Special Education Roles, Acronyms & Language used in SE 2. Lack of Resources & Support Support Groups, IEP Support, Parent Mentors/Advocacy, Training, Community Resources, Tools to Help at Home 3. Lack of Consistency Programs & services aren’t consistent across schools
Recommendations ACES Awareness Update NHCS Special Education website to enhance user friendliness and increase awareness of programming Further develop role of Special Education Department Chairpersons in schools Resources & Support Parent Resource Center & Specialist Consistency Identify effective, research-based models for special education programs and consistently implement models district-wide
Remarks ACES Lisa Estep NHCS Board of Education How can the Board help?
ACES Encourage consistency b/w schools by supporting overall model for SpEd Site based decision making: Provides many benefits to schools Can complicate process for adopting/replicating model programs and compliance w/ federal laws/guidelines Budget Planning Provide funding for Parent Resource Specialist position Calendar Keep PD in mind while planning school year calendar Mandatory teacher workdays
Remarks ACES Julie Askew NHCS Director of Special Education and Related Services What action items are in process?
ACES Research Based Instruction Systematic, explicit model programs Consistency Fidelity checks to ensure coaching/support Collaboration on purchase of materials Professional Development for Staff Provision of substitute teachers Collaboration on instructional scheduling, use of support staff
ACES NHCS Advisory Council for Exceptional Students Find us on Facebook, Twitter, NHCS “NHCS ACES”