Kings and Prophets #10 Lesson 1 The Good, Bad and Ugly Kings and Prophets #10 Lesson 1
Review of Kings David: all other kings are compared to him Wholehearted devotion to God Man after God’s own heart All of Judah’s kings descended from David Only a few were righteous, most were evil Northern Kingdom: ALL were evil Sent into captivity in Assyria
Deuteronomy 28-30 Main point? Obey God’s commands? Blessing Disobey? Curses and disaster Deut. 28 Curses for disobedience Pestilence, sickness, drought, madness….. Deut. 28:36-57 The LORD will bring a nation against them, besiege them until they are destroyed Deut. 28: 58-68 Plagues, afflictions, scattered, no rest or assurance of life, slaves
Deuteronomy 28-30 Deut. 29 Main Point? Covenant Warning: No idolatry. Consequences are plagues, diseases, land like brimstone, uprooted from land, God’s anger and wrath Deut. 29:29 There are things that God does not reveal Deut. 30 Main Point? God’s people will return to the land once they repent and turn their hearts back to Him Deut. 29:14 Speak, Know, and Do the Word
2 Kings 21 and 2 Chron. 33 Theme? Manasseh and Amon Manasseh: good king Hezekiah’s son Hezekiah: Began restoration of temple immediately: 1st month of his reign Reigned 29 years (began at 25 years old) Trusted God and clung to Him None like him before or after in Judah Consecrated the priests Samaria was captured by Assyria (northern kingdom)
2 Kings 21 and 2 Chron. 33 Manasseh: only 12 when he became king Reigned 55 years Undid the righteous things of his father Brought Baal worship INTO the temple Practiced witchcraft and divination Sacrificed his sons in the fire Did MORE evil than the surrounding nations Brought calamity/ disaster on Judah and Jerusalem
2 Kings 21 and 2 Chron. 33 2 Chron. 33: 10-20 Manasseh taken captive to Babylon Humbles himself, prays, repents KNOWS that the Lord is God God heard and restored him to his kingdom Manasseh removed the idols Made peace and thank offerings to the Lord and ordered the people to serve Him
2 Kings 21 and 2 Chron. 33 2 Chron. 33:21-25 Amon becomes king Review: Ahaz: most evil king up to that time Hezekiah – most like David up to his time Manasseh – most evil of all kings of Judah….until he humbled himself Amon – evil, 22 but reigned only 2 years, multiplied guilt, killed by his servants People killed the servants and made Josiah king
Application John 14:15, 21 Those who love the Lord, keep His commands Obedience from the heart is what God desires Choose life: by loving God and obeying His voice