Career Services Alana Hefner, MEd., LPC Assistant Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Career Services Alana Hefner, MEd., LPC Assistant Director

Personality Assessment  Where do you get your emotional energy?  Introvert- self  Extrovert- others

 How do you gather information?  Sensor- gather facts  Intuitive- “gut feeling”

 How do you make decisions?  Thinker  Feeler

 How do you deal with the outside world?  Judgers- organized, controlled, scheduled  Perceivers- freedom, tolerance, impulsive, “shoot from the hip”

Interest Inventory  Realistic- practical, hands on work, do not like paperwork (prefer animals, tools, machinery)  Investigative- search for facts and answers, prefer to mentally solve a problem  Artistic- prefer to design patterns, no clear cut rules

 Social- prefer work that promotes learning & personal development, communicating with others is a plus, dislike working with data and machines  Enterprising- starting and completing projects, persuasive, taking risks for profit, prefer action over thought  Conventional- follow procedure & routines, prefer data and detail over ideas, need clear lines of authority

Work Clusters- Work Values  What motivates you at work?  Underlying motivators that predict job satisfaction

 Support- company stands begins workers; comfortable with management style  Relationships- need friendly co-workers, sense of helping others, do not compromise morals  Recognition- advancement, prestige, leadership position

 Achievement- see results immediately, need to feel strong feeling of accomplishment\  Independence- freedom to work within boundaries  Working Conditions- pay, job security, work style (alone or with others, many different things to do)

Skills Profiler Report  Self adjusting skills

Composite  Culmination of each answer to each question  Based on your answers, jobs that would provide the most satisfaction  Now what? Now what?

Want to know more?  Call and make an appointment for one on one career counseling  TSC, 218, Career Services 