CS 151 What does the full truth table look like? InputsOutputs D3D3 D2D2 D1D1 D0D0 A1A1 A0A0 V 0000XX D 0 =X D 1 =X D 0 =X D 2 =X D 1 =X D 0 =X
CS 1513 Implement any function of n + 1 variables by using: ◦ A 2 n -to-1-line multiplexer ◦ A single inverter Design: ◦ Find the truth table for the functions. ◦ Connect the first n variables to the selection lines of the MUX. ◦ Based on the values of the first n variables, separate the truth table rows into pairs ◦ For each pair and output, define an elementary function of the final variable (0, 1, X, ) ◦ Using the first n variables as the index, value-fix the information inputs to the multiplexer with the corresponding elementary functions ◦ Use the inverter to generate the elementary function X