Guidelines for Participation in State Assessment Vince Dean, State Assessment Manager
The MEAS Components of the MEAS MME MEAP MEAP-Access (2011) MI-Access ELPA
Grades/Content Areas Assessed Content Area ReadingXXXXXXX WritingXXX MathXXXXXXX ScienceXXX Social Studies XXX
Participation in the MEAS The vast majority of students will participate in the general assessments (MEAP & MME). Students who participate fully in the general education curriculum without identified disabilities or special circumstances will participate in MEAP or MME without accommodations. Most students with disabilities will be able to participate in the MEAP or MME when provided with standard, appropriate accommodations.
MEAP-Access New State Assessment – Postponed until 2011
Background - 2% Regulation Assessment choices –Regular assessment –Alternate Assessments-Alternate Achievement Standards (MI-Access) Neither of these options provides the best assessment of what these students know and can do. –Regular assessment too difficult –AA-AAS too easy and not full range of content
Assessment Continuum Assessment Type of Assessment Based On MEAP/MMEGeneralGLCEs/HSCEs MEAP/MME with Accommodations GeneralGLCEs/HSCEs MEAP-AccessAA-MASGLCEs Functional IndependenceAA-AASExtended GLCEs Supported IndependenceAA-AASExtended GLCEs ParticipationAA-AASExtended GLCEs
MEAP-Access will complete the continuum, provide a valid, and fair measure of the achievement of students who struggle with the academic content areas of ELA and Math, and who do not meet grade level expectations for the grade in which they are enrolled. MEAP-Access Goal
The Michigan Department of Education was awarded a grant to develop AA-MAS to fulfill two important needs in the MEAS. 1.Design process for modifying the existing MEAP (ELA & Math) grades 3-8 by reducing length and difficulty levels while assessing GLCEs. 2.Create an online professional development system usable throughout the state. 3.Stakeholder involvement: large group from across Michigan Background
MEAP-Access Status Delayed until Fall 2011 due to low participation and item difficulty/complexity on Fall 2009 test Status: Review other states’ Modification guidelines Create Michigan’s Modification Guidelines Revise MEAP items using Guidelines Currently: Field-testing MEAP-Access items on MEAP and MI- Access Analyze results Conduct operational MEAP-Access Fall 2011
Assessment Accommodations
Accommodations IEP team may designate ANY accommodations it deems necessary. –Student needs –Routinely used in instruction
Participation in the MEAS Accommodations Summary Tables –Assessment Accommodation Summary Table: for MEAP, MI-Access, ELPA, and NAEP - all State Board of Education approved, standard (S) and non-standard (NS) accommodations –MME Accommodations Summary Table –‘Universal Accommodations’ –available to all students
Sample Table Page
Accommodations Summary Table Nonstandard accommodation (NS) Parents must be informed if selected –Does change the construct of the test –Does NOT count toward Valid assessment scores school accountability
IEP Team Decision-Making
Determine Appropriate State Assessment The IEP Team has two responsibilities by law: Choose which state assessment Choose accommodations (if any) Getting started…
Content Areas Assessed Determine if the student is in one of the tested grades Remember, same grade as reported in SRSD/MSDS
Determine Appropriate State Assessment Never choose based on disability category alone Never choose based on one piece of data Must consider curriculum and instruction
IEP Team has the flexibility to have a student participate in MEAP or MI-Access FI in different content areas Remember MEAP-Access not available for fall 2010 Note: MI-Access Supported Independence and Participation students are not included in this option Assessment Continuum Options
Determine Level of Independence Full Independence Functional Independence Supported Independence Participation
Assessment Accommodations Decision must be made for each content area Must be documented Communicate about consequences
IEP Team Decision-Making Questions What content standards? What does instruction look like? Level of independence? Assessment? Accommodations?
Resources for IEP Team State Assessment Decisions OSE-EIS New State Model IEP Material Guidelines for Participation in State Assessment for Students with Disabilities –Draft available for several years –Final posted October 4 th Assessment Plans
Resources for IEP Team State Assessment Decisions EGLCEs, EHSCEs, EBs, GLCEs, HSCEs Sample assessment booklets Released items Online Learning Program-P/SI Scoring
Resources Michigan Online Professional Learning System (MOPLS) –Guidelines for determining participation in state assessments –Using assessment results –Ensuring access to Michigan’s ELA and mathematics Grade Level Content Expectations
MOPLS Module Roll-Out Utilizing ELPA Reports –Phase 1 October 1 st –Phase 2 October 15 th Assessment Selection Guidelines –October 15 th Available through Learnport at Michigan Virtual University
Resources Web resources – – – – – – – – –
OEAA Contact Information MEAP: MI-Access: ELPA: MME: MEAP-Access: