January 2015
Topics covered in this video: How to complete the new Special Factors Page How to determine which Designated Supports and accommodations to use for your students. What to do for students whose IEP has already been held, but their testing information is incorrect.
Completing the Special Factors page (Testing Information)
1.Select whether the student is “outside of testing grade range”, “Student will utilize the following”, or “Alternate Assessment”.
2.Click the blue link that says “Select Supports and Accommodations” and select the specific Designated Supports and Accommodations the student will use on that assessment (see the color coded reference guide ).
3.Select which categories of Supports and Accommodations the student will use (These will not select automatically). *Note: For a student who is taking the test just like their general ed peer would, you would select “Universal Supports” “Embedded” and “Non-embedded”.
Determining which Designated Supports and Accommodations to use
You can download the “Entering Testing Information – Quick Reference Guide” from the document library under the “Resources” tab.
- Feel free to use these Accommodations or Supports if the team feels it is required by the student. - Use with caution. These Accommodations and Supports are for very few students. Many of these require specialized equipment or are for students with a very specific disability. - Do not use these Accommodations or Supports without speaking with your Program Specialist first.
How to correct testing information on an IEP that has already been held
1.Go into the student’s Future IEP and update the testing information on the “Special Factors” page. Print out this page
2.Print out a copy of the “State Testing Prior Written Notice” that can be found in the Document Library under the “Resources” tab.
3.Send home a copy of the updated “Special Factors” page with the “State Testing Prior Written Notice” attached and file a copy of these two pages in the student’s confidential.