Africa RISING Monthly Meeting Birhanu Zemadim ICRISAT, Samanko June
Agenda Introducing new staff Brief description of activities conducted since our May meeting Protocols for research activities Use of Technology Parks
Progress so far… Hired Socio-Economist (shared position) Contracts finalized (waiting for mgt. Approval) We held two IP meetings – May 19 in Koutiala – May 21 in Bougouni – Report available (edition) – Sent to Happenings (Agathe) Technology park construction nearly completed Protocols are ready/shared/ some jointly prepared for TP (ICRISAT/ICRAF/AVRDC) The two site coordinators are in place
Technology Park (TP) A TP is a community based experimental station consisting of a series of replicated and un-replicated experiments (‘Mother trials’)
Two TPs Constructed Flola Village in Bougouni and M’Pessoba Village in Koutiala district
Uses of Technology Park Evaluate and demonstrate new technology Provide hands-on training for farmers Facilitate knowledge flow among farmers Train under/graduate students Determine farmer preferences for technologies
Scaling out VillageFarmers trained in the TP (ToT) Farmers trained by the ToT Total Flola (TP) Dieba51050 Sibirila51050 Madina51050 Yorobougo ula Sub total30350 Grand Total 380 Bougouni District Koutiala District VillageFarmers trained in the TP (ToT) Farmers trained by the ToT Tot al M’Pessoba (TP) Sirakele51050 Zanzoni51050 Namposela51050 N’Golonianasso51050 Sub total30350 Grand Total 380
Research Protocols in the TP and farmers’ field 1.Study the impact of in-field soil and water conservation practices on crops (cereal and vegetables) productivity, agro-forestry and ecosystem services Joint protocol ICRISAT/ICRAF/AVRDC 2.Effect of 3 types of irrigation on fruit production of tomato and leafy vegetable production of Moringa oleifera and Adansonia digitata. Joint protocol ICRISAT/ICRAF/AVRDC 3.Testing intercropping combinations for legumes and vegetables to increase productivity and profitability. AVRDC 4.Testing the effect of grafting on fruit tree growth and production (grafted compared to non-grafted plants of Ziziphus (5 varities), Tamarind (3 varieties), baobab (1 plus tree) and shea (1 plus tree) ICRAF
5. Testing and comparing different organic manures on improved okra varieties for women fields AVRDC 6. Pepper: Testing improved varieties for women fields AVRDC 7. Cowpea: Test the effect on grain yields and fodder ICRISAT 8. Groundnut: Farmer Participatory Varieties selection trials (FPVS) ICRISAT 9. Sorghum: Demonstration of the process of hybrid seed production, differences between parents and hybrid ICRISAT 10. Sorghum: Demonstration/test of sorghum hybrid with fertilization ICRISAT 11. Sorghum: Dual purpose sorghum production ICRISAT ??? 12. Maize : Combination improved variety/fertilization and organic mineral ICRISAT 13. Soybeans: Fertilization organic / inoculation of the seed ICRISAT 14. Essais et démonstrations pour les Parcs Technologiques et Champ Ecole Nutrition ICRISAT Research Protocols in the TPs and farmers’ field
1.The TP at present is 2ha. Do we have enough space for all protocols to be implemented? 2.Need to identify few technologies?, and get lessons (proof of concept) Issues