P OLAND Hitler set his sights on Poland Signed Nonaggression Pact with Stalin Why? Secret part: Germany and Soviet Union agreed to divide Poland. Sept. 1, 1939-Blitzkrieg- “lightning war”- fast tanks- fast planes- Germans done in 3 weeks. *Stalin sent Soviet troops to occupy the Eastern half of Poland How about that appeasement?
P HONY W AR Sept. 3, France & Britain declare war French & British soldiers waiting for German soldiers to invade France German soldiers waiting for French & British soldiers to invade Germany. Sneaky Germans invade France through wooded area (Ardennes Forest) Germans trap 400,000 French soldiers 1940 Italy enters war- invades France from south DUNKIRKDUNKIRK
F RANCE F ALLS Resistance in France crumbles after Dunkirk Germans take Paris French leaders surrender Germans take N. France and leave S. France to puppet gov’t headed by Marshal Petain Headquarters for Petain was in Vichy France Charles de Gaulle- French general, set up exile gov’t in London Commits all energy to taking back France Will battle Nazi’s until France is liberated. (It’s going to be awhile)
What do you think Hitler did to Stalin in June1941?
I NVASION OF THE S OVIET U NION Hitler invades the Soviet Union in June As Russians retreat, use scorched-earth strategy- Familiar? Winter - stopped the German forces Summer- headed to Stalingrad Winter- in Stalingrad Soviet forces circle the German forces in Stalingrad and cuts off their supplies. German forces surrender Jan.1943 Soviet lost 1,100, % of city destroyed More than U.S. lost in WWII total
T HE U.S. AIDS A LLIES Congress will pass Neutrality Acts Illegal to sell arms or lend $ to nations at war Roosevelt creates Lend-Lease Act Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly and issued a joint declaration called the Atlantic Charter- Upheld free trade, right to choose own gov’t. THEN… U.S. gives aid to Stalin after Hitler invades U.S.S.R “If Hitler invaded Hell, we would be willing to work with the devil himself” U.S. was in undeclared naval war with Hitler Oct German U-boats fire on U.S. Ships Roosevelt ordered the Navy to shoot U-boats on sight U.S. destroyer Reuben James sunk- killing 100 sailors U.S. will enter war b/c of Japan Why & When?
What dictator was associated with Africa before WWII?
A FRICA Axis gain territory in Africa Nov Allies invade North Africa Led by U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower Move east chasing the Axis forces General Rommel “Desert Fox” Afrika Korps- made it to Egypt- British troops decide on a surprise massive frontal attack- meanwhile other Allied troops behind the Axis. Heavy fighting- Axis surrender May 1943 Operation Torch
T HE B ATTLE OF B RITAIN G.B. stood alone against the Nazis Winston Churchill- new G.B. prime minister Hitler will try to invade G.B. Hitler 1 st wanted to destroy RAF- royal air force then land troops Luftwaffe- German air force began bombing British will not waver Germans coming off French coast toward England Battle of Britain 2 months constant bombing Radar Blimps British bomb German cities