Edinburgh Direct Aid and The Christine Witcutt Memorial Fund AGM – 8 th June 2010 Treasurer’s Reports
Edinburgh Direct Aid 1st July 2008 to 30th June 2009 Brought ForwardIncomeExpenditureBalance ££££ 22,755100,806114,7428,819 1st July 2009 to 31st May 2010 ££££ 8,81947,01948,4857, Bank Accounts and Cash
2. EDA —DONATION SOURCES 1st July 2008 to 30th June 2009 Mosques and Churches 32,534 Clubs/Associations 855 Collections 1,813 Companies 3,468 Private Donations 39,893 Private On-line Donations 2,418 Scotttish Government Grant 21,000 Trusts 2,250 TOTAL 104,231
3. EDA —DONATION SOURCES 1st July 2009 to 31st May 2010 Churches750 Clubs/Associations150 Collections202 Companies1,930 Events539 Private Donations17,660 Private On-line Donations 1,272 TOTAL22,503
4. EDA PROJECT FUNDS st July 2008 Funds InFunds Spent Transfers30 th June 2009 Aid to Gaza 0 76,300 76,500 Overspend 200 Aids Orphans Kenya ,2007,400 Overspend 1,200 Earthquake Relief +SWAT 6, ,4006,19000 Palestine 1, Tsunami 1, Tsunami Hikkaduwa Ac 3, Total Restricted Funds 12,400 86,500108,10012,600 3,300 Cash in hand or in banks 22,755100,806114,7428,819
5.EDA – Income and Expenditure by Fund st July 2009 Funds Received Funds spentTransfers 30 th May 2010 Aid to Gaza overspend Aids Orphans Kenya overspend Earthquake Relief Palestine Tsunami HikkaduAc Total Restricted Funds Cash in hand or in banks 8,80047,00048,5007,400
8. HOW HAVE WE SPENT THE MONEY? Gaza: 1st July 2008 to 30th June 2009 Aid Collection861 Aid Delivery6,379 Bank Charges1,420 Miscellaneous1,260 Travel Costs4,551 Aid in Cash3,207 Medical Aid58,801 TOTAL76,419
9 HOW HAVE WE SPENT THE MONEY? Gaza: 1st July 2009 to 30th May 2010 Aid Delivery460 Advocacy & Publicity (Photo exhibitions and Live links) 3,559 Office130 TOTAL4,149