TUSD Scope and Sequence AZCCRS Implementation Office of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development January 2015 High School Mathematics Session Module 8
Today we will continue previous work in our course groups. The following courses are reviewed: ▫Algebra ▫Geometry ▫Algebra II We will examine new documents and information from ADE and TUSD and share any curriculum mapping work for Quarter 3.
Outcomes Learn about and examine new ADE and TUSD documents and consider their impact on planning for instruction. Share current work on Quarter 3 Curriculum Mapping
Norms Equity of Voice Active Listening Respect for All Perspectives Safety and Confidentiality Respectful Use of Technology
Today’s Focus: Shifts review Review new documents and information from ADE Further analysis of 3 rd quarter standards and continue curriculum mapping. Collaboratively plan for 3 rd quarter Learning Targets
Review 3 Key Math Shifts 1.Focus strongly where the Standards focus 2.Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades 3.Rigor: In major topics, pursue Procedural Fluency, Conceptual Understanding and Application with equal intensity.
Scavenger Hunt In content area groups, go to a computer and follow the directions on the scavenger hunt paper. You have 10 minutes to do your work and then meet back in E 5
New Focus Guidance from ADE
New ADE Document ADE Arizona High School Cluster Emphasis Document: Standards have been designated as either Major or Supporting content Standards have been designated as eligible for assessment in whole or in part. Standards in more than one course are identified. Course Content Boundaries: AI – G – AII Pathways designate course content boundaries for standards included in more than one course.
Clarifications of ADE Terms Major Clusters - Arizona considers Major Clusters as groups of related standards that require greater emphasis than some of the others due to the depth of the ideas and the time it takes to master these groups of related standards. Supporting Clusters - Arizona considers Supporting Clusters as groups of related standards that support standards within the major cluster in and across grade levels. Supporting clusters also encompass pre- requisite knowledge and extensions of grade level and course content.
Clarifications of TUSD Terms TARGET STANDARDS: These AZCCR standards follow the PARCC Content & Assessment Guide and at the same time have been identified as especially important for the unit. While other standards are covered during the same timeframe, the target standards are those that the unit has been designed to address specifically. COMPLEMENTARY STANDARDS: These are standards that enhance a particular math focus during a quarter while also reinforcing the corresponding Target Standards.
New TUSD Document TUSD version of the AZCCRS Standards revised for Specific Courses :
Course Standards Summary
The planning cycle…… Group Domain Analysis Task #1 Planning Task #2 Curriculum Mapping Unit Planning This is a cycle… How will the new documents and information from ADE and TUSD support your planning work?
TUSD Curriculum Map Share your current work on Curriculum Mapping and your successes and challenges with your plan so far this quarter.
Mathematical Practices practice-standards.htmlhttp:// practice-standards.html
Group Reflection... With your group, respond to the following… What are the three most important things you learned today about planning for the new standards? What two questions do you still have? What is the one walk-away idea that you want to implement with your staff?
Individual Feedback At your table please grab some post-its… 1.What worked for you today? 2.What questions do you still have? 3.What suggestions might you have regarding your upcoming training on the curriculum roll- out?