Introduction What were the four main topics about life during WWII on the Homefront? 2. RATIONING & CONSERVATION 3. WOMEN’S ROLES 1. RACE RELATIONS &


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction What were the four main topics about life during WWII on the Homefront? 2. RATIONING & CONSERVATION 3. WOMEN’S ROLES 1. RACE RELATIONS & INTERNMENT CAMPS 4. ECONOMICS

War on the Homefront.

Primary Source Rationing

Primary Source Rationing An effort was made to conserve items like rubber, metal, women’s hose, sugar and other foods Americans on the home front had to use ration tickets to get these resources

War on the Homefront supports the war through film Out of the Frying Pan

War on the Homefront

Primary Source Women’s Roles are Changing

War on the Homefront

Rosie the Riveter Served as the WWII image of women She was someone who could help fight the battle at home Not the typical “helpless” women

#2: Women’s Roles In the past, women really not played a role in war at all. WWII played a part in advancing the role of women both at work and in the military Women got involved in mainly 3 ways –Factory Jobs left by men –Military: WAVES (NAVY) WAAC (ARMY) –Nursing: dangerous jobs! Over 200 died

War on the Homefront

War bonds and liberty bonds were sold to raise money for the war efforts in Europe and Asia.

To Recap: What were the four main topics about life during WWII on the Homefront? 2. RATIONING & CONSERVATION 3. WOMEN’S ROLES 1. RACE RELATIONS & INTERNMENT CAMPS 4. ECONOMICS