New iKAGRA Configuration Yuta Michimura Department of Physics, University of Tokyo 11th KAGRA F2F (University of Tokyo) Feb 6, 2015
Original iKAGRA Configuration m FI from IMC REFL AS TRY TRX IMMT1 IMMT2 PR2 PR3 BS iETMY iITMY iETMXiITMX iBRT m iBRT 3 km FPMI at room temperature Type-Bp for ETMs and ITMs
3 km Michelson at room temperature Fixed Type-Bp for ETMs No iBRT for TRX/TRY (we still need cameras for alignment) New iKAGRA Configuration m FI from IMC REFL AS IMMT1 IMMT2 PR2 PR3 BS iETMY iETMX m iBRT 3.33 m asymmetry
move PR3 and ETMs (since ITM wedge is gone) IMMT1 RoC = 19.5 ± 1 m flat IMMT2 Optical Layout Tweaks 4 FI from IMC REFL AS IMMT1 IMMT2 PR2 PR3 BS iETMY iETMX iBRT 5.3 mm 8 mm
Type-Bp to fixed Type-Bp Suspension Change 5 Type-Bp Fixed Type-Bp standard filter bottom filter intermediate mass test mass
Original iKAGRA Sensitivity 6 quantum seismic frequency 3 km arm silica 290 K 1W at BS Finesse 209 Type-Bp Perfect FSS with CARM (CMRR=1/100) Pa gas susp thermal
New iKAGRA Sensitivity 7 quantum no arm cavity seismic worse suspension frequency no CARM susp thermal 3 km arm silica 290 K 1W at BS Michelson Fixed Type-Bp Perfect FSS with IMC (3.33 m MICH asymmetry) Pa gas
Summary of Differences 8 Original iKAGRANew iKAGRA Configuration3 km FPMI3 km Michelson Temperatureroom temperature Test mass suspension Type-Bp (triple pendulum) Fixed Type-Bp (double pendulum) Sensitivity at 100Hz2e-22 /√Hz2e-20 /√Hz 3 km layout testwith arm cavitiesno arm cavities Frequency stabilization as far as CARMas far as IMC iBRT for ETM transnecessaryunnecessary
Appendix 9
Suspension Performance 10 Type-Bp (Original iETM) Fixed Type-Bp (New iETM) Type-C (IMC)
Frequency Noise 11
Frequency Noise with IMC Servo 12
Frequency Noise with CARM 13