Let’s review!. My favorite animal is a ~.


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s review!

My favorite animal is a ~.


PeriodTimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1 9:00 AM 9:45 AM Art and Craft Korean Geography 2 9:55 AM 10:40 AM Art and Craft Science Geography Korean Break 3 10:50 AM 11:35 AM Korean Japanese Math Social Studies 4 11:45 AM 12:30 AM Math Social Studies P. E. Music Lunch Time 5 1:15 PM 2:00 PM ScienceMath Japanese 6 2:10 PM 2:55 PM Music Math After School English Science Math P.E. What do you do in the ~ period?

PeriodTimeFriday 4th5th6th 1 9:00 AM 9:45 AM Geography 2 9:55 AM 10:40 AM Math Recess 3 10:50 AM 11:35 AM English 4 11:45 AM 12:30 AM P.E. Lunch Time 5 1:15 PM 2:00 PM Science After School Korean Math P.E. Music Korean Japanese Math P.E. What do you do in the ~ period? first secondfourth fifthfirst secondfourthfifth

A day at school in the World. 学校の様子

アメリカの地図 On the Way to School in America アメリカのスクールバス 学校の様子

地図 English classes in the World They study English. What do they do? エチオピアの学校 の様子 ネパールの学校の 様子 バヌアツの学校 の様子

地図 養蜂の様子 はちみつ蜂の巣 What do they do? The Special Class in Germany They raise honeybees.

What do they do? The Special Class in Samoa They study with a baby. 学校の様子(先生が赤ちゃ んをおんぶしている) サモアの地図 学校の様子

地図 Lunch Time in Cambodia What do they do during lunch time? They buy food at school. カンボジアの学校、売店の様子

地図 After School in Singapore They have dance class. They have boy scout activities. What do they do after school? ボーイスカウト ダンス