Modern India Indian National Congress Indian National Congress Mohandas Gandhi Mohandas Gandhi 1885: Indian National Congress founded in Bombay Reform Party for Independence Unsupportive of Indian policy through WWII until Official Independence declared in 1947 Born in India Educated in London Lawyer in S. Africa Became disgusted with how the British treated people in S. Africa and India Promoted and encouraged NONVIOLENT PROTEST Spiritual and Political leader in India Assassinated in 1948
Muslim League Muslim League 1905: partition of Bengal based on religions and languages. 1906: creation of the Muslim League Requested an independent state from India Became political party in Pakistan Dissolved in 1970
1.What values did Gandhi posses? 2.What is the purpose of this poster? 3.Gandhi promoted nonviolence, how would his opponents feel about this message?
Partition Partition Separation of land into India and Pakistan India: Hindu Pakistan: Muslim Disputed region of Kashmir Caused mass migration of Muslims to Pakistan and Religious rioting and death. East Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971
Modern Pakistan/ India Conflict Modern Pakistan/ India Conflict Still disagreeing over Kashmir Region Both have nuclear weapons NRDC Says each What would happen if they used their weapons?
1.Who is represented in this cartoon? 2.What message is the artist trying to convey? 3.List two elements of Cartooning used in the image.
Kashmir Kashmir Kashmiri’s are Tribal, rugged terrain, underdeveloped industry, no oil gold or silver discovered… Why the fuss? Control of Indus River Religious Sites Pakistan (Muslim) Kashmir (Muslim) India (Hindu) Strategic Location India: Buffer from Pakistan Pakistan: fertile roadway into India for invasion
Who is in Control? India Why? 1960’s UN gave Kashmir a Choice: India or Pakistan? Pakistan invaded to persuade People wanted Pakistan (Islam) Prince wanted India (Protection from Pakistan) Pakistan never accepted and still believes Kashmir should be part of Pakistan War & Terrorism 60 Years=3 Wars India won all three Still fighting in form of Terrorism Why doesn’t the UN/US step in? Lose, Lose Situation Treaty with Pakistan and war against terror Trade and industry with India
1.What does the map show? 2.How does the map help you understand more about the issue of Kashmir? 3.What could potentially happen if Pakistan decided to make a military advance into Kashmir?
India should never have been partitioned. The benefits of India's growth would have been shared by all and huge sums of defense money saved and redirected to better causes. Penal, London 1.Explain the viewpoint of the speaker in this message. 2.Do you agree or disagree and explain why?