W ELCOME TO N UTRITION 101!!!. I NTRODUCTIONS Me – Professor Maya Maroto you First and Last name major first or last semester at PGCC? Why you are taking.


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Presentation transcript:


I NTRODUCTIONS Me – Professor Maya Maroto you First and Last name major first or last semester at PGCC? Why you are taking NTR skill to contribute

C ONTACT C ARDS Name (first and last) SS#/Student ID # phones - home, work, cell, pager, etc. address if new or if graduating any other relevant info

R EQUIRED T EXT AND S OFTWARE Nutrition Concepts and Controversies: Tenth Edition – with Diet Analysis Plus 8.0 Access Code by Sizer and Whitney Diet Analysis Plus Access Code – very, very important!!

C OURSE O BJECTIVES By the end of the semester, you should be able to : Relate the importance of nutrition to the prevention of a variety of health problems: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Determine the nutritional value of your current eating habits. Compare and contrast the nutritional value of your current eating habits to current recommendations and propose modifications to reduce your risk for developing chronic diseases.

COURSE OBJECTIVES List the major anatomic structures of the gastrointestinal system and discuss the physiology of digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients. Interpret the information on food labels and evaluate claims made on product packaging. Evaluate the accuracy and scientific soundness of media statements about nutrition.

G RADING Final Grades – based on a 700 point scale: 4 tests Points (57%) 7 Quizzes/Blackboard Assignments - 70 Points (10%) Diet Analysis Assignment -30 Points (4%) Macronutrient Assignment -50 Points (7%) Micronutrient Assignment -50 Points (7%) Paper and Presentation -100 Points (14%) 630 – 700 Points = >90% = A 560 – 629 Points = 80% – 89% = B 490 – 559 Points = 70% - 79% = C 420 – 489 Points = 60% - 69% = D < 419 = F

T ESTS All tests will be available in the PGCC Student Assessment Center. To be eligible for a make-up test you must. have good class attendance (missed fewer than two classes) have good class participation have completed all prior homework assignments and quizzes inform me of your need prior to the end of the appropriate exam period provide documentation of your need Missed exams = 0 points.

Q UIZZES 8 online Blackboard quizzes/assignments worth 10 points each. Only your top 7 of these will count! Open book/open notes!!! If you encounter problems, contact me before the end of the quiz period so that I can reset your quiz.

H OMEWORK Early assignments welcome!! But late assignments will not be accepted. Diet Analysis forms the basis for all other assignments – so please, please, please do it right and on time

P APER AND P RESENTATION There will be one paper and presentation assignment. More information on the paper and presentation will be discussed in class.

E XTRA C REDIT Extra credit – Extra credit research questions will be incorporated into lectures. Each student may earn up to 20 extra credit points during the semester.

A TTENDANCE Attendance (including late arrivals and early departures) will be recorded on a daily basis. Your attendance may also be considered as a factor if you have earned a borderline final grade. Students who are excessively absent (excessive absence = 2 or more absences) may be dropped from the course without notice.

C HEATING Cheating is not tolerated in this course. All incidents will be reported to the Vice President for Student Affairs. Please see the link titled “Academic Dishonesty” for more details.

G ENERAL E TIQUETTE Cell Phones – silence them please!! Texting – go out of the classroom if you have to send or read a text message!! Attention-please don’t distract the class by holding “side conversations” during the lectures

T RACK YOUR G RADE All grades posted in Blackboard. Contact me within 7 days of posting to correct or discuss any grades that you feel are incorrect.

D IET R ECORD details, details, details strictly observation - no analysis yet not graded on what you eat - but on how you record what you eat so don’t lie or cheat (please, please) what for?

C OMPUTER A NALYSIS Remember this is separate from the (hand- written) diet record Will give you specific feedback on the nutritional content of what you eat Accuracy and completeness are what you are graded on – not what you eat! Need analysis results for the rest of the class assignments

O RAL P RESENTATIONS AND P APERS Worth 100 points of your grade Dates on Syllabus Papers – individual (50 points) Presentations – in groups (50 points) More details to follow soon

T O DO … Make sure you can log into Blackboard Complete the practice quiz Complete quiz 1 (worth 10 points) Read Chapter 1