Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Lesson 3 Using Formulas Courseware #: 3243 Microsoft ® Office Excel 2010
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Lesson 3 Objectives what formulas are create and edit simple formulas reference other worksheets use common functions use a conditional function use absolute and relative cell references use mixed absolute and relative cell addresses display and print formulas 2 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Creating and Editing Simple Formulas Calculation using data entered directly or from other cells, and may use functions Powerful feature of formulas is ability to get data from other worksheet cells using cell references Begin formulas in cell where answer to appear by typing = Formula can have more than one cell references Formula results automatically update any time data is changed (or added or deleted) 3 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Creating and Editing Simple Formulas Can enter cell references into formula by typing or pointing to cells Formula itself does not display, only results of formula Can be copied to other cells, where Excel adjusts cell references for offset distance and direction Perform calculations in “natural order” (precedence): 1.Exponents and roots 2.Multiplication and division 3.Addition and subtraction 4 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Creating and Editing Simple Formulas Can be altered by placing components of formula within parentheses Standard mathematical operators: *Multiplication /Division + Addition - Subtraction 5 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Creating and Editing Simple Formulas If Excel detects error or inconsistency in formula, displays message with suggestion on how to fix Displays to mark this formula as different from the formulas used in adjacent cells Clicking on the smart tag displays a menu of options: 6 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Referencing Other Worksheets Can reference cells in other worksheets in same workbook General format is: ‘ ’! –! indicates cell found in different worksheet –need single quotes if worksheet name has spaces Can use the point-and-click method to enter the cell reference 7 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Using Common Functions With Cell Ranges Large library of functions for mathematical and data operations Functions accept values (usually numbers) and cell references as arguments in parentheses General format: =FUNCTION(numbers or values or cell reference) Most commonly used are SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, and COUNT 8 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Using Common Functions With Cell Ranges AutoSum is shortcut method to enter a SUM function: –On Formulas tab, in Function Library group, click AutoSum, or –on Home tab, in Editing group, click Sum, or –click Insert Function Always verify you have correct cell range in formula –Excel automatically selects range of cells immediately above or to left of selected cell, and displays it to accept or change Arrow for AutoSum displays other common functions 9 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Conditional Function =IF(logical test,value if true,value if false) Logical Test can include comparison operators or qualifiers: =Equal to (or the same as) >Greater than <Less than >=Greater than or equal to <=Less than or equal to <>Not equal to Value if True/False can contain text string, values, or other functions Example: =IF(B10=0,0,C10/B10) 10 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Conditional Function Nesting IF statements =IF(A1=10, “text A”, IF(A1=20, “text B”, “text C”)) If A1 contains Then cell will display 10text A 20text B Any other valuetext C 11 © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Using Absolute and Relative Cell References Most formulas use relative addressing –when formula is copied, cells automatically adjusts for new location –address is not adjusted if formula is moved to another location Absolute addressing - cell addresses are not adjusted when copied elsewhere on worksheet To change to absolute cell address: –type dollar sign before row number and/or column letter, or –press F4 first time makes both column and row reference absolute second time makes only row references absolute third time makes only column reference absolute fourth time removes absolute references on both column and row © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 12
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Using Mixed Absolute and Relative Cell References Select what needs to stay absolute when formula copied: © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 13 ColumnData must be from same column =C10*$D2 RowData must be from same row =C10*D$2 BothMust always be this cell =C10*$D$2
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Displaying and Printing Formulas To see formula, select cell and examine in formula bar To see all formulas at same time, on File tab, click Options, click Advanced, click Show formulas in cells instead of their calculated results Useful for verifying accuracy of spreadsheet © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 14
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Summary of Lesson 3 what formulas are create and edit simple formulas reference other worksheets use common functions use a conditional function use absolute and relative cell references use mixed absolute and relative cell addresses display and print formulas © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 15
Microsoft ® Excel 2010 Core Skills Review Questions 1.List which standard math operators Excel uses and what is their order of precedence. 2.Give examples of how using formulas to perform a what-if analysis is beneficial to you. 3.Which of the following are invalid? 4.Define the different parts of a reference to other worksheets using the reference Tours!B4 as an example. 5. What is the main difference between a conditional function and the other functions discussed in this lesson? 6.Explain the difference between absolute and relative cell references. 7.Provide examples of when or why it may be beneficial to print the formulas in the worksheet. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 16