WS-VLAM Tutorial Part I: Hands on the User Graphical Interface Adam Belloum
Outline Part I: Hands on the User Graphical Interface Part II: Port a Legacy application to WS-VLAM Part III: Learn how to use WS-VLAM API
Outline (Part I): The user Graphical Interface Step 1: Start the WS-VLAM Step 2: Create Credential / Delegate credentials Step 3:Execute existing workflow Step 4:Monitor running workflow Step 3: Tools for semantic annotation, virtual file browser, repository, provenance
Step 1: Start the WS-VLAM workflow composer (GUI) As a webstart application – Go to : – Click on the button [ Try-it now ] Requirements: – Your web browser should be configured tostart “webstart application” – JAVA 1.6 need to be installed on yourdesktop/laptop
Step 1. Start the WS-VLAM GUI (1/3) First pop screen: asks for the application touse open WS-VLAM Webstart Application – Choose open – Click OK
Step 1. Start the WS-VLAM GUI (2/3) Click trust Second pop screen: asks you to Trust thesigned WS-VLAM Application
Step 1. Start the WS-VLAM GUI (3/3) Third pop screen: should WS-VLAM workflowcomposer The composer comes pre-loaded demoworkflow, that will be your WS-VLAM “ hello word ”
Step 2. Create/delegate Credentials (1/6) WS-VLAM workflow composer Canvas List of components Property window Monitoring window Action: Click on delegateCredentials Button
Step 2. Create/delegate Credentials (2/6) First popup screen: warning that you are going to send your credentials to aremote service Action: Click on yes
Step 2. Create/delegate Credentials (3/6) second popup screen: Create your proxy credentials window Action: Type in yourcredentialpassphrase Click Create
Step 2. Create/delegate Credentials (4/6) Third popup screen: proxy credentials created window On WS-VLAM composer bottom left corner you will adecreasing timer showing the time before your proxycredential expires Action: Click Ok
Step 2. Create/delegate Credentials (5/6) Option popup screen: If you push the option button in the proxy createwindow You get options proxy option window Action: Change thedefault time Location of theprivate and publickeys
Step 3. Execute workflow (1/1) Option popup screen: If you push the option button in the proxy createwindow You get options proxy option window Action: Change thedefault time Location of theprivate and publickeys
Step 4. monitor workflow (1/3) Monitoring popup window: Default Workflow components tabs Action: Select acomponent tab
Step 4. Monitor workflow (2/3) Component tab: Module status: shows the submission status of thecomponent: NOT SUBMITTERD ACTIVE REGISTERD DONE Action: Select Modulestatus tab
Step 4. Monitor workflow (3/3) Component tab: Std out/Std Err: show standard output/ Error Action: Select std Out tab
Some References 1.Science Z Zhao, A Belloum, M Bubak Editorial: Special section on workflow systems and applications in e-Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (5), A. Wibisono, D. Vasyunin, V. Korkhov, AS.Z. Belloum WS- VLAM: a GT4 based workflow management system, The 2 nd International Workshop on Scientific Workflows, In conjunction with ICCS 2007, Beijing, China, A.S.Z. Belloum, V. Korkhov, S. Koulouzis, M. A Inda, and M. Bubak Collaborative e-Science experiments: from scientific workflow to knowledge sharing JULY/AUGUST, IEEE Internet Computing, Ilkay Altintas, Manish Kumar Anand, Daniel Crawl, Shawn Bowers, Adam Belloum, Paolo Missier, Bertram Ludascher, Carole A. Goble, Peter M.A. Sloot, Understanding Collaborative Studies Through Interoperable Workflow Provenance, IPAW2010, Troy, NY, USA
Some References 5.A. Belloum, Z. Zhao, and M. Bubak Workflow systems and applications, Future Generation Comp. Syst. 25 (5): (2009) 6. Z. Zhao, A.S.Z. Belloum, et al., Distributed execution of aggregated multi domain workflows using an agent framework The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Scientific Workflows, Salt Lake City, U.SA, Zhiming Zhao, Adam Belloum, Cees De Laat, Pieter Adriaans, Bob Hertzberger Using Jade agent framework to prototype an e-Science workflow bus Authors Cluster Computing and the Grid, CCGRID 2007