Financial Aid & Scholarships Leanne Ruiz Manager, Student Services Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
Refer to Orientation Package 1.Checklist for Exchange Students 2.Exchange Program FAQ Sheet 3.Information Sheet for Exchange Students 4.Continuation of Interest-Free Status /Confirmation of Enrolment (Schedule 2) 5.OTG Confirmation of Enrolment (for OTG-only applicants)
PREPARE WELL Research ALL Costs (Don’t forget the currency exchange rate!) Plan Ahead Know your Resources (Have a back-up plan.) Budget Wisely & Stick to It!!!
OSAP Apply online early at The 2013/2014 application will be available online beginning April Check out the McMaster Financial Aid Office face book page to receive reminders regarding OSAP and other financial aid and scholarship programs. Regular posts will walk you through the online OSAP application and the electronic distribution of funding. Select McMaster University as your institution of study regardless of the location of your formal exchange. Complete and submit enclosed form with proof of study period start and end dates from host institution.
Complete All Paperwork Early You must complete and submit all required paperwork in a TIMELY manner prior to departure. Make sure course registration and payment agreement are in order at McMaster. What is your status at Mac? Are you registered as an outgoing exchange student? Submit all OSAP forms, signature pages and supporting documentation to Gilmour Hall – Room 120. Have a plan for your return to McMaster. If you return early, you must contact your faculty and ISS immediately with your change in status and to develop a new academic plan.
McMaster General Bursary Apply online via MUGSI. Deadline date for exchange students same as for students studying at McMaster. Must have a fully processed OSAP application to be considered for general bursary. See website for complete list of eligibility criteria. Watch for information in September on the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships website…
Exchange Grant - $1,000 For undergraduate, 1 st degree students only. Research programs are not included. MINIMUM 7.0 CA at the end of the previous fall/winter session to be considered (summer grades are not considered). No application required. If eligible, grant will automatically be credited to your McMaster student account in August/September, once exchange units are showing on university registration record.
Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships McMaster University Gilmour Hall, Room 120 (905) Ext Web: Facebook: McMaster Financial Aid Office