Data Collections Conference Student Record Update FY 2011
Student Record Student Record provides a year-end, cumulative record of student program participation and various activities for the fiscal year. Student Record provides data used in the AYP determination process, state report card, federal reporting, program audits and evaluations, and open records requests.
Student Record System School Student Course Discipline Enrollment Special Education Program Address Comprised of Nine (9) Record Types
Student Record Timeline February 2, 2011 – Transmission window opens February 11, 2011 – Initial transmission of Student and Enrollment records April 8, 2011 – Deadline for duplicate resolution June 15, 2011 – Deadline for Student Record transmission
Student Record Uploads SR – How Districts Upload Second Deadline Anytime Initial Upload SYSTEM PROGRAMSPECIAL ED ADDRESSDISCIPLINE SCHOOLSTUDENT ENROLLMENT Often Last Due to Grades – May COURSE
General Changes Adding GTID to all record types where it is not currently listed Adding GTID and student name to error report for selected errors on all record types Reviewing existing edits and business rules related to program requirements Adding new reports and revising existing reports
SUMMARY OF CHANGES Student – Business Rules and Edit Changes Enrollment – Special Ed – Business Rules and Edit Changes Adding GTID Course – Special Ed – Business Rules and Edit Changes Adding GTID Discipline – New Element Special Ed – Business Rules and Edit Changes Adding GTID Program – Special Ed – Business Rules and Edit Changes Adding GTID School – No ChangesSystem – No Changes Address – Adding GTID
ELL Status New Edit – Student reported as ELL = Y in FTE 1 or 3 but is not identified as ELL in Student Record. New Edit – Student reported as ELL = N in Student Record, but was reported ELL = Y in previous Student Record. STUDENT LAYOUT
Date Entered 9 th Grade New Edit – Student’s date entered 9 th grade is in the current fiscal year, but the student is not in 9 th grade. STUDENT LAYOUT
Environment Code Must equal one of the following codes: ‘1’ - Resides in a local institution for neglected ‘2’ - Resides in a local institution for delinquent ‘3’ - Is homeless ‘4’ - Is an unaccompanied youth Unaccompanied Youth will be included in the count of homeless students on the student level reports. All homeless students are eligible for FREE meals. STUDENT LAYOUT
Environment Code Values for Environment Code are mutually exclusive. Funding is associated with correctly coding the student’s environment code. If student is homeless at any point during the school year, then report the student as homeless in Student Record. STUDENT LAYOUT
Homeless Primary Night Shelter Must equal one of the following codes: 1 - Shelters 2 - Doubled-Up 3 - Unsheltered 4 - Hotels/Motels 5 – Other Report a Primary Night Shelter for environment codes 3 (homeless) and 4 (unaccompanied youth) Primary Night Shelter - “Other” category is removed STUDENT LAYOUT
International Exchange Students Resident status in FTE (‘7’ – International Exchange Student) School Entry Code = ‘O’ When student transfers to another district during the current school year, the student will resident status and entry code School entry code cannot be used for more than one school year. STUDENT LAYOUT
International Exchange Students Withdrawn student as of the last day of school with withdrawal code ‘X’. Not eligible for Special Education or ELL services Not included in immigrant student counts. Allow missing date entered 9 th grade and do not include in calculation for graduates. Enter the primary language and place of birth STUDENT LAYOUT
International Exchange Students Main questions to be answered via collection of data: Who are these students? (identification of resident status) Where are they? (System and school codes) How long have they been here? (Enrollment data) Where are they from? (Place of birth) What is their primary language? (Primary language) STUDENT LAYOUT
Report course data for students in grades K-12. Final grades are optional, NOT required, for students in grades K-5. If you report final grades for students in grades K-5, both standards-based grades (E, M, N) and the traditional grades (A,B,C,D,F) are valid. COURSE LAYOUT
New Edits WBL course reported for student whose grade level is less than 10 th grade. Modified Edits Numeric grades – require numeric grades for courses with credit hours greater than zero. See SBOE ELL Delivery Model (EDM)- Add new EDM – Sheltered Content
New Report Safe and Drug Free Schools SB 332/HB1103 – Disciplinary and placement actions taken regarding students who brought a weapon to school. Number subject to disciplinary or placement action Age and grade level of such students Students' race and gender Students' special education status, if applicable Type of weapon involved Type of discipline administered Type of placement given the student, if any DISCIPLINE LAYOUT
ENROLLMENT LEVEL New Edit The student was not reported in either FTE count, but the student has enrollment record(s) with beginning or ending date(s) in current fiscal year and was active on the FTE 1 or FTE 3 count date. Issue is whether or not student should have been reported.
PROGRAM LAYOUT Modified Edits Adding Career Academy as a program type Revising the Alternative Education program codes to reflect new board rule. – Crossroads no longer valid.
REMINDERS (e) Secondary School Credential - a document awarded to students at the completion of the high school experience. 1. High School Diploma 2. High School Certificate - the document awarded to pupils who do not complete all of the criteria for a diploma or who have not passed the state assessment requirements as referenced in Rule Testing Programs – Student Assessment, but who have earned 23 units. (THIS IS NOT A RETAINED 12 th GRADE STUDENT) 3. Special Education Diploma
REMINDERS Students assigned to alternative education programs or non- traditional programs are not reported in Student Record as withdrawn from the home school. If a student attends an alternative education/non-traditional program, the enrollment record reported in Student Record should have no break in enrollment. REASON: The alternative education/non-traditional program (school code 6XXX) is not a “school.” It is a program. Student data must be reported through the home school.
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